
The Loafer, Parts 1-4 AND the alternate ending.

The loafer

This is based on a dream I had that I told my new friend about.  She giggled and said "you don't want to be my work shoes, I'm hard on them."  At the time she was working for a hotel chain at the front desk and she said she was on her feet alot.

I don't know where to begin except at the beginning...  That part sucked, I regretted saying what I said and doing what I did but it happened and my girlfriend (at the time) didn't like it.  The day started out as normal, we had fun and had our meals together but somehow we got into an arguement.  I didn't think we needed to redo the living room when we had other stuff we had to take care of first.  I told her she was stupid for feeling that way and I regretted it as soon as I said it.  It was as if she was able to knock me out but what she really did was cast a spell on me to hold me in place.  I begged of her to let me go but she said nothing.  She somehow made me lay down, I was standing up before but now, it was different...  I couldn't move my arms...  I tried to kick at something, anything, but nothing happened.  I saw her smiling and reading something out loud from this book she had.  Baby!  Sweetie!  Don't do this to me.

I didn't know what she was going to do to me but I was still scared.  I couldn't move and she seemed pleased.

I must regress here, She, is my girlfriend Denise, we had known each other for a while and we had been dating for a few years now.  We had gotten along fine except for money issues.  She wanted to spend and I was wanting to save up.  I admit I wasn't working at the time but I took care of the house, I cooked, cleaned and did laundry and was happy with it.  It gave me free time to play my favorite game World of Warcraft and I had dinner ready for her when she got home.  Things were going well, or so I thought.  She is 5 foot 5, long black hair with some brown highlights, well endowed up top and she has some cute size 7's.

The argument I came to regret happened, I told her we didn't need to have the living room redone and that we needed to save our money for some other home repair.  She got mad and that's when I couldn't move.  I was laying down somehow and she seemed to be getting bigger.  I couldn't figure this one out, I yelled up at her, I begged with her, but to no avail.  She didn't answer me.  She then did something impossible:  she picked me up with one hand!  I freaked out, Baby!  I'm too heavy, you can't do that!  Finally she laughed and said yes I can, your not heavy anymore.

She moved in front of the mirror in the living room and I saw her holding a black low heeled loafer.  I didn't see me, or not me as I normally would appear.  It dawned on me then that what Denise was holding was me.  Oh god Baby!  You stand up all day at work, you will crush me to death!  Please!  It appeared my face was near the back of the shoe, right under the opening.  So I figured my face would be under her heel, my torso would be under her arch and my nuts would be under the balls of her feet.  This loafer - it was black and I knew she stood most of the day at work.

She didn't seem to pay much attention to me and carried me to the bedroom, she set me down next to another black low heeled loafer.  This can't be, I'm her left work shoe now.  There has to be a way out.  Baby, stop!  Please, can't we talk about this?  The only answer I got was her closing the closet door, I didn't notice she had dropped me in here.  I was on a pile of her other shoes.  She didn't have many others but I recognized them.  The white tennis shoes she wore, the pink flip flops, her blue house shoes.  I could smell a slight smell from them all.  Her feet didn't sweat much and she took great care of herself so the odor wasn't too bad but at my height it was there.  It was now dark in here, I would cry except shoes don't cry.

The next morning came, I slept as well as I could and was wakened by a strong jolt and being lifted into the air.  I was thinking it was a dream but when I landed on the floor next to her dressing table I knew it wasn't.  I saw her putting on her bra, I so wished it was me at this point, so that I wouldn't get stomped for about 10 hours or so.  She then put on her uniform and then her blue wool socks.  I begged with her one last time, it was as if she could partially hear me.  She said maybe a few days of her thinking about it she would "change me back" as she put it.

I shrieked out, Baby!  I won't last that long!  She didn't seem to care, she put me into position and lowered her foot into the other shoe.  For a split second I thought someone had become that shoe for her to wear.  I didn't think so, but like I could argue with her about that in my position.  I then saw her left blue sock covered foot over me and then it's descent onto me.  I tried to push it off of me but my arms wouldn't move.  I felt the warmth of her foot and saw the light getting cut off from me.  I screamed and yelled, but her foot settled down on me.  Now her feet don't smell bad but I'm stuck in her shoe, under her sock and she's going to wear me for the next 10-12 hours or so.  I tried to push it off me but I heard the pooooffff  of her foot settling in the shoe.  She was only sitting down so the pressure wasn't too bad, yet, but I heard her say she was ready.  How I heard that I don't know but when she stood up I felt it.  It felt like an 18 wheeler parked on my head.  She stood up, the pressure increased.  My head popped and she took her first step.  I relaxed a bit then WHAM!  her foot landed and she was walking.  I screamed into the bottom of her foot, she didn't seem to care and I think she just broke my nose.  We haven't even left home yet.  I screamed again, she took another step.  I felt the hardwood floor, I felt the carpet.  I could somewhat tell what room of the house we were in.  I begged with her foot to let me go and become human again - her foot didn't respond.  I didn't expect it to, but this was hurting a bit.

Oh god, I heard her getting her keys out of her purse.  This is going to be real bad for me now.  There's concrete outside.
Baby!  Please!  My pleas went unanswered, she went outside, locked the door and went down the sidewalk to the car for her ride to work.  God the concrete was hard on my back.  She didn't seem to mind, she rode to work and I was stuck under her sock covered foot inside of her shoe.

She got to work, I was glad she wasn't walking but I heard the car door open and she got out.  This increased the pressure on me and I again screamed into her foot for her to let me go.  She didn't hear me and she walked into the building.  God, the steps were killing me.  Having the air squish out of me and having my back on the warm concrete hurt.  She got inside, I could tell because the tile felt cool.  She still hurt me with every step she took.  She got to her workstation and the pressure was there, she wasn't going to get a break for 3 hours at least.  I couldn't see anything, it was pitch black in here even though I knew she was wearing blue socks.  It was warm and I am sure her socks were absorbing all the sweat before it got to me.  She didn't have a chair to sit on at work, She and her coworker Brenda stood at their stations.  I think there was either a carpet or padded area that she was standing on, I didn't feel cool tile anymore.  It felt like days but she finally got her first 15 minute break about 3 hours into her shift.  I could hear the shoes making their clip clop noise as she walked down the hallway.  I heard a door open and I was guessing she was in the bathroom.  She sat down much to my relief and she did her thing.  She slid her foot out of her shoe and rested them on the cool tile.  She then popped them back inside of her shoes and I did notice she was beginning to sweat on me.  Her socks were a bit damp and it was soaking my insole body.  She stood up again, finished up and left.  I spent the rest of her break under her foot in the break-room and when her time was up I endured her walking back to her workstation.

When she got back I thought I heard laughter.  I had hoped she wouldn't tell Brenda about what was going on inside of her left shoe.  I knew that Brenda was her good friend and I didn't know her very well.  I would be so embarrassed if I had to face her again - with her knowing I had been my girlfriends shoe.  They were chatting about something, but I couldn't hear very well.  I spent more time under the heel of Denise's foot, it got warm again inside the shoe.  I heard the laughter again - she must be laughing at me.  I wouldn't think she would be joking with a customer.  Her day continued - I suffered 2 more hours before she went to lunch.  I could hear her shoes going down the hallway again and she made it to the break-room.  The pressure eased - she sat and ate her lunch.  I wondered if she was going to call home to check on me...  oh crap, I'm already with her.  I pleaded with her foot to change me back, nothing happened except maybe her damp sock leaked sweat on me yet again.  She finished eating, headed to the bathroom to clean up she walked down the hall again.  My back slammed the floor countless times.  She got in, did her thing and got back out - it wasn't much of a break for me at all.

Back at her workstation I heard her laughing again.  I knew Brenda had to go to lunch; maybe she was joking about that.  I guess she took care of her work and the few customers that came in.  Time seemed to drag on - it hurt to breath.  If it could be called that what I was doing, I mean whoever heard of a breathing insole?  I felt the pad she was standing on.  It was soft but the weight of her pressed me into it, I almost could feel the floor on my back.  It was quiet for the 30 minutes that Brenda was at lunch.  She did return and they chatted once more.  They helped a few customers and then Denise had to do the closing paperwork.  I guess she grabbed everything and headed someplace to sit down.  I felt the pressure slack up a bit and she tapped me on the floor.  I felt the pressure increase again, she had to go take that paperwork someplace.  I slammed against the floor countless times as she went where she had to go.  She got back, sat down again and I figured she was going to go home.  I mean it felt like I had been in here for days.  Somehow I heard it was 11:30 pm, she normally left at 11.  She then went outside and got into the car to go home.  I couldn't hear much but sometimes she stopped someplace and got something to eat.  Figures she would tonight, I wished she would just get home and take me off and change me back.

She got home, I guess she was eating.  The pressure was light but still I was hurting.  Normally she gets home and gets out of her work clothes but this time she didn't.  Not much I could do being I was trapped.  She finally stood up, walked to the trash to throw her food wrappings in.  I couldn't tell what she had for dinner, I couldn't see or smell anything but her foot.  She walked to the bedroom and finally started undressing.  She removed her blouse and bra, then finally kicked me off into the closet.  I glanced up at her, pleaded with her to let me go.  She smiled and said see you tomorrow!  She bent down and grabbed her house shoes and closed the door.  I begged with her before she turned and left me in darkness.  Nothing happened, except I thought I heard her laugh as she shut the door.

I then realized how hot I was.  Being all alone I laid in her closet with her other shoes; waiting till she needed a pair.  I began getting cold, no warm foot to keep me warm.  I also felt the little bit of sweat that made it's way to me dry and make a thin crisp layer on me.  I was hoping she would change me back.  Somewhere she was off watching TV, or sleeping....

The next day

I am not sure if I slept, time dragged on as I was in the closet.  Sunlight gradually trickled in the door and I heard her alarm later on in the morning.  I heard movement but not in my direction.  I knew she usually got up and did a few things b4 getting in the shower so I knew I wouldn't be needed for another 2 hours.  Since she kept her houseshoes under her bed from the night before.I would be stuck here.  I wish she would come and get me.  Or maybe not, she would wear me.  But I was cold, I needed something to keep me warm.  Finally the door opened, she reached in the closet and grabbed me and the other shoe and set us down by her dressing table again.  I begged with her, please, yesterday hurt.  I couldn't possibly take another day.  She continued getting ready and finally she put on her socks.  I knew it would be soon then.  She grabbed the other shoe, slid it on her foot and then grabbed me.  I pleaded with her again, she just smiled and slid me on her foot slowly.  I think she was enjoying it.  She took her first steps with me on and it hurt.  I knew she was heading out and it was already getting warm in here.  It was warm outside so the concrete was warm on my back.

She got into the building at work and I could feel the cold floor under me and her warm foot above me.  The sensation felt weird- warm & cold together.  She greeted her coworker, I couldn't tell who it was till she said it was Brenda.  They were giggling and helping guests.  Time dragged on like the day before - no break till 3 hours into her shift.  I knew she was going to the breakroom, I was a bit damp from the sweat   I was relieved when she sat down, but I knew the 10 minutes would pass quickly.  She went to the restroom - funny I didn't think about this yesterday that I was in the women's bathroom with her and nobody knew.   Ugh, back to work.

The rest of the day passed slowly, it's dark and hot in here.  She kept doing her work until lunch time.  I got another break while she ate and did her business in the bathroom.  I pleaded with her but she didn't seem to hear me.  She headed back to her station and I was somewhat happy, she only had 3 more hours to go and had 1 more break coming.  I heard giggling, I hope they weren't talking about me.  I would be so embarrassed if Brenda or any of her coworkers knew where I was.  She got her last break and I rested a bit.  I noticed her sweat on me.  I think it was beginning to accumulate on me.  It was becoming a part of me, just like what happens in real footwear.  I seem to be real footwear until Denise changes me back, whenever that may be.  They asked her to stay a bit late again and she said yes.  I think they were doing this on purpose, to prolong my suffering.

She ended up staying close to an hour later thankfully her ride was outside and she went home.  I was so warm and a bit wet on what would be the insole part of my body.  She stood so much at work I thought I could feel the indentions made in me by her toes.  She arrived home and this time she did go straight to her closet and took the other shoe off then me and tossed us both in the closet.  I pleaded with her, she didn't even acknoledge me, she just smiled to herself and closed the door.

If shoes could cry, I would have.  My situation was horrible, I was my girlfriends footwear.  A pair of shoes that she wears to work and that she stands on alot.  I have no idea if I was comforting her foot while she worked or what but I knew she was hurting me.  I didn't know if or when she was going to change me back.  I sensed time dragging on - it was light outside again.

Yet another day.

I figured she was going about her routine, I could hear bit's and pieces of noise coming from the bedroom.  Finally the door opened and she reached in, grabbed me and the other shoe and headed back to the dressing table.  I guess I didn't notice her shutting the door; when she was halfway to the table it was closed and I was still begging with her to change me back.  She set me on the floor and I noticed she was almost dressed.  I knew I would be worn soon.  She reached down, grabbed her other shoe and slid it on her foot, she picked me up and slowly positioned me as if she was enjoying it.  Denise!  Please!  I won't argue with you about money again, just change me back.  Her response was her sock covered foot engulfing me.  Sweeeeety!   Then the Pooooffff! sound.  I was sealed for another day.  She finished getting ready - the pressure grew when she stood up. Oh god.  The first step of the day still shook me, the foot leaving the ground, the flying through the air then boom.  I could smell the freshly laundered sock covering her soft foot.  It's a shame it wouldn't stay that way.  In a few hours I would be able to smell her foot sweat and then a few more after that have it drip on me.

Today was different, I mean it was raining out, the first 2 days were hot and muggy.  Today I felt water on my back, which means there was puddles on the ground and she was walking in them.  I learned another lesson; footwear protect their owners feet from the elements.  I didn't notice her trip to work; I did notice her wiping her feet on the floor mat at work.  The abrasion on my 'back' hut - I screamed out but got nothing but a sock covered foot in my mouth.  She then walked to her station, got settled in and commented on the weather to her coworker.  They seemed somber due to the wet and gloomy day outside.  Today seemed to pass slow for me as well; I can't figure out why.  I was relieved however when her breaktime came.

It was the same as the other 2 days, go to the breakroom eat a snack, take care of business then get back to her station.  I ended up under her for another hour and a half then lunch.  She enjoyed her lunch, took care of some phone calls, went to do her business again then again back under her foot at her station yet again.  The 3 hours passed quickly - what made them different than the rest I don't know but I was relieved they didn't ask her to stay late today.  She got home and removed me and my mate, took us to the closet and dropped us in.  I pleaded once again with her, this time she actually waved and said "good night!"  She smiled and shut the door.  I was horrified, she was enjoying this.  I wondered what I had done wrong, I wondered if my cooking was good or was I good in bed.  I think she thought I was a good work shoe so the other stuff didn't seem to matter to her.  The cool air dried the sweat from the day while I wondered where it went wrong and if she was going to change me back.

The fourth day

I'm not sure how I knew it was morning or I wish that I was stuck in a bad dream and I couldn't wake up but I could see sunlight again.  There must have been enough light coming through the slits in the closet door that I could tell. I wondered why they made doors with slits, So that clothing and shoes could see out?  No, that can't be it.  My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened.  She walked in and grabbed her black flip flops.  I asked, not knowing if she could hear me, I thought you were going to work?  She quickly snapped at me.  I don't have to answer to a pair of shoes as to where I am going - it is my day off though and I'm going shopping.  Here, she grabbed her dirty, smelly socks out of the dirty clothes basket and put one in the other shoe then one on top of me.  This should shut you up for the day.  She quickly said, "have a great day!  I know I will" and slammed the door.

It was then that I knew she could hear me and it was then I knew I was in deep shit, or should I say deep foot sweat and grime.  Now I had no way to tell time it was dark with the socks pushed down on me.  She normally did this with her tennis shoes, she would wear a pair of socks for like 3 times if she only wore them for a few hours at a time.  I remember seeing her do this and why she would do this with an obviously dirty pair of socks I don't know, other than to torture me.  Now it was dark and smelled like her feet in here and I thought I could taste her sock.  I couldn't tell how much time had past, I heard the door open and I felt the soft rubber of her flip flops drop on top of me.  I yelled out as best as any shoe could and nothing except the door shutting.  This was terrible now: she had been out most of the day and didn't say anything to me when she got home and even left her socks in me.  I wished she would change me back....

The fifth day

I couldn't see anything, I could only hear rustling in the room, I finally heard the door open.  She lifted the flip flops off me, grabbed the other shoe and pulled out the sock and put it in the hamper, she repeated that with me and I was happy yet scared to see her.  Sweety, I'm sorry.  She said your going to be sorry.  She took the shoes to her dressing table again like she did the 3 days before yesterday and dropped us.  She finished getting ready and I knew what was next.  This time she grabbed me and slit me on her foot.  I didn't protest for fear of angering her more.  I heard that Poooooffff! and I felt her adjusting her foot only today she gave it a good stomp.  I screamed into the bottom of her sock clad foot and she stood up.  I figured my day was just getting started, as was hers.  I heard her grab her keys and she left for the day.  The rides to work generally go by quickly but once she gets to work is when time seems to drag on.  She seemed to be in good spirits, greeting her coworkers as always.  It just seemed like another day to her.  All the standing, the first break finall she did take.  It was quick - they all are I was beginning to think.  She got back to her station, laughing and giggling.  Oh god, when would the day end?

I figured it was lunchtime now since the pressure on me subsided a bit.  I hope she enjoyed her food, I was stuck under her foot.   She was eating regular food, I was eating sock lint and foot sweat.  She must have finished dinner, I got a good stomp and she headed to the trash and to take care of her business.  The rest of the day was rough too, they asked her to stay late and she did.  An hour late this time.  The ride home was quick, not much traffic out but she stopped for something to eat so that added some time for the commute home.  More time for me to absorb more foot sweat.  She got home and didn't bother removing her shoes, she ate whatever it was she brought and when she finished got up and threw away the trash.  Finally she went to the bedroom and took the other shoe off and then gently removed me from her foot.  I noticed she had put her dirty sock inside the other shoe.  I began to plead then thought better of it.  She stuffed the dirty sock in me and put both shoes in the closet.

Day 6, or the 6th day...

My life was over as I knew it;  I was a shoe in my ex's closet with a sock in me.  Nobody would ever find me here.  I had no way to show I was sorry - my words seemed to only bother her.  I was alone with her dried up foot sweat, dirty sock and foot smell inside her black loafer and my thoughts.  I now say ex-girlfriend seeing as how I'm still not back to normal and she seems to be enjoying this.  For how long, I knew not.  She opened the door, grabbed both of us and removed the socks.  It was bright outside and I saw she was almost dressed.  I made the mistake of saying something to her, she said I'm tired of you and your mouth, I'm going to fix you tomorrow morning.  She put her socks on, grabbed me and I heard that all too familiar Poooooffff! sound and the stomp came shortly after she adjusted her foot in the shoe.  I'm guessing she did that with the other shoe as well.  She gathered up her things and headed out for the day.

She arrived again at work; I could feel the cold air conditioned floor on me when she got past the doormat.  Yet again she greeted her coworkers and I again suffered as she stood and did her work.  She greeted people, did reports and everything she normally does.  Nobody suspected anything nor for her to behave differently.  I pleaded with her sock covered foot, it said nothing.  It just pressed down on me.  Her break came & went, as did her lunch.  I suffered in my hot and sweaty prison begging to be let out but she didn't seem to care.  They asked her to stay late ( big surprise), she said yes, again, shocking.  Another hour under her foot maybe more if she didn't go straight home.  She took her last break, made her phonecalls and did her thing.  I knew I couldn't make it through tomorrow this way also.  I remembered what she said...  I will fix you tomorrow.  What the heck did she mean?  My thoughts were interrupted as she went back to work.  The rest of her evening went by smoothly, she headed home and went to her room, she removed the other shoe, then me and stuffed her socks in us again.I tried saying something but I couldn't finish.  I could get out "Baby I love you!  I think she heard me.
She said "I don't love you, I mean I can't.  I don't love footwear but don't worry, tomorrow I will fix it to where I can't talk to my footwear and my footwear can't talk back either.  "Sleep well!"  she said and closed the door.

I wanted to cry; she just broke up with me and there was nothing I could do.  I was alone with her sock in me, the heat disapating slowly through the sock and the sweat hardening on me.  I was so terrified of what was going to happen to me tomorrow.  I guess I would soon find out.

The 7th day.

Light streamed in the closet, I just didn't know it since I was still in the dark.  I heard the door open, I heard some rustling near me but I stayed on the floor, the door closed.  Oh it must be her other day off this week I thought.  I waited, and waited...  Nothing happened.  Suddenly the door opened again - this time I was lifted and I found I was laying on something soft.  She removed the sock from me and I saw I was on the bed.

She said, "Good Morning!  I hope you slept well."

Before I could answer she said I am going to have to shut you up, I can't have talking footwear.  I mean what if my new boyfriend hears you.

New...  I freaked out!  Baby, please!  I still love you.  I don't want to be your shoe.

She continued on, you are what you are now, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.

Sweety, this week was hell!  Your heavy and I'm covered in foot sweat....

So I'm fat?  Are you saying I need to go on a diet?

No sweety, your lovely as you are.  She cut me off again.

Well when I go on this 'diet' that you speak of be lucky you won't be my tennis shoes.  And get used to the foot sweat, it's your life now.  She grabbed this device, she said it's time.

Sweety, don't....  My voice started cracking as this beam shot through me.

She said, this will make you be quiet, make you be like all my other shoes.  From now on you will be just a black loafer that I just happen to wear to work.  You won't be able to talk and I will only see you as another pair of shoes.

I .... love .... you...  I struggled to say, my voice breaking up like a cell phone call.

Awww, such devotion from a shoe.  She said and smiled.  There, it's all done.

I tried to say something but I couldn't.  This device took away my speech.  I tried to move, I couldn't, I was stuck like I was on day 1.  I tried pleading with her, nothing came out.

The rest of the day - and my life.

She threw me back in the closet and closed the door.  She had no reason to talk to me anymore, she was going on with her life.  I saw her, or rather her foot, very often.  She continued to work 40-55 hours a week, I suffered all that time.  When she got home I spent my time in the closet.  I noticed sometime after that fateful day my stuff was gone from the closet.  I'm not sure what happened or how it disappeared but I'm sure she just got rid of it.  Her new boyfriend moved in a few months later.  I saw him bringing some stuff in and I yelled at him.  He didn't hear me and it infuriated me.  I then remembered I couldn't talk.  I'm sure he just saw a black low heeled loafer.

Shortly thereafter I thought I heard yelling and screaming periodicly in the bedroom.  Maybe I was dreaming.  I know, or thought I knew she was happy.  This kept on for a while, I lost track of time.  I figure it must have been a year.  I kept hearing them - argue, but I couldn't help but wonder if she was getting hurt.  Yet another workday for her.  Again I did my duty as her footwear and got no thanks, just tossed back in the closet amongst her other shoes.

Days, weeks, months, and even years went by.  All I saw all this time was my ex's closet or the bottom of her foot.  All I felt was the chilly air of the closet or the hot sweltering heat inside of her shoe under her sock covered foot.  She rarely took vacations but when she did I spent time in the closet.  One day I found out she was moving.  She was packing things slowly and of course clothing was last to get packed up.  I'm guessing she was all alone when she spoke.  I was also shocked when she said something to me after all this time.  I'm sorry I did you this way.  This new one isn't working out - in fact you were much better that he is.  If I could change you back I would but I can't.  Now I just have a shoe, and a new place to go to.  The memories are killing me - so I need to get a new pair of work shoes.  I hope you enjoy your new home.

I panicked, why couldn't she change me back?  Why was she going to donate me?  I struggled to talk....  To Be continued

Does she find a way to change him back or is he donated?

The Loafer part 2

My 'head' was spinning.  Why couldn't Denise change me back?  Why would she just donate me like used clothing?  I mean I was a black loafer - I was human at one point in my life.  I couldn't say or do anything.  She grabbed me, along with some other things and tossed us in a box.  The last thing I saw was her sad face closing the lid.  I heard her taping the box - may as well bury me alive.  I began to smell the faint odor of her foot coming from me and my mate, her other shoe and it made me sad.  I may never again be worn by her.  I was afraid I would be worn by some of the women I read about in Jason Reed's stories.  Like that Marissa chick, or the girl on 89th St, whose feet smelled like a sewer.  (At least I think that 2nd story was Jason's)  At any rate I knew if I could get back to being human I would be so happy.  If I ended up at a donation store God knows who would buy me - some woman with a lot lower income than Denise.

What I remember about the fateful day so many years ago was that Denise had said there was a transmutation mistress that helped get me into this position.  She said the change couldn't be reversed but you know how that goes.  She did say the voice could be returned, but there's some complications.  I thought I remembered her saying I was also treated with a durability compound - that's what kept me in such good shape.  Well that and Denise did take care of me too.  This was so long ago, I doubt Denise would even remember where this person was or if they were still even doing business there.

The box I was in suddenly was lifted.  Not sure who but I felt it being carried someplace.  I couldn't tell what I was in but it did feel like a car ride someplace.  I hoped and prayed it was to the woman that helped Denise get me into this predicament in the first place.  I wanted to tell her off after I was restored.  I was set down someplace.  I couldn't tell where I was but it felt like it was getting warmer inside the box.  I so badly wanted to scream - it was getting warmer in here.  The dried up sweat was beginning to liquify and bead up on me.  This went on for hours' every now and then I could hear voices but nothing that gave me a clue as to where I was at.

I felt the box again lifted up and carried someplace.  It was a short trip because it was immediately set down.  The box was suddenly oppened and a face peered in.  My heart sank, it wasn't Denise.  I couldn't get a good look as to where I was at because the lady grabbed me and some of the things and put us in a pile.  I did notice she had light brown hair and small breasts, since I was pinned up against them.  I ended up on some other shoes, a pretty pair of black patent pumps.  she was busy sorting through things then broke down the box when it was empty.  I looked up again and saw something familiar:  2 blouses that Denise used to wear. The lady had hanged them up with some other blouses at the end of this long rack on wheels.  I wanted to cry - I realized I must be in some clothing store someplace.  I looked around again, I didn't see anybody working here.  Some of the lights were off and some were on, like some stores do when they are closed.  At least I was in a cool room on top of other shoes and not in a hot box.  I just wondered where Denise was...

The next day

The next morning came, I saw some employees getting things ready for the day.  I saw that same lady the day before pushing that rack out of the room I was in.  I could see more lights beyond the doorway.  I tried to get her attention, I forgot I still can't talk.  What seemed like hours, that lady came back.  She grabbed a basket and put all the shoes in it she could get.  I ended up on the bottom of the basket under some slightly fragrant tennis shoes.  I tried to inspect them to see if they were a pair Denise wore but it was too dark.  They didn't smell like it, they smelled more sour than Denise's feet.  I guess I wasn't paying much attention to what was going around me because I suddenly noticed the weight on top of me was getting lighter.  I saw that lady sorting the shoes and putting some kind of a sticker on them.  She grabbed another pair of shes that were on top of the tennis shoes and hummed to herself.  She grabbed the tennis shoes, inspected them and grabbed a colored dot and put it on the insole of the shoe.  I shuddered, she was going to do the same to me shortly.  I found out this 'dot' was a price dot.  Shit, I was going to be sold!  Sold to a strange woman who didn't know I was a man, but years before I had been transformed to a shoe.

This woman picked us up out of the basket and inspected my mate quickly - then me.  I heard her say, "Wow, you 2 are in great shape!'  Not many scuff marks on the bottom's, very light toe indentions.  She continued on, "The woman who had you took really good care of you."  You should get a good price here.  She grabbed a green dot and put one in my mate, then she grabbed another dot and put on where my mouth would be.  I screamed at this strange woman, "I'm not really a shoe!  You have to help me!"   She hummed to herself and tied us together with an elastic string.  I guess so we wouldn't get separated.   I was doomed now, I was now on the display rack for women to look me over.  Heaven forbid if one of them wanted to try me on.  She grabbed all hte shoes she had processed and put us in a basket and took us to a rack and put us on it side by side.  I begged with her again, then remembered I couldn't talk.  And even if I could there was that green dot on my mouth.  She went about her business, laying out the shoes and when she finished she went to work on something else.  not sure what because I could only see part of the store.  I was under another shelf with a pair of shoes on either side of me slighly angled upward.  I could see men's shoes on the other side of the isle, so I figured I was with all the women's shoes.

I began to see more people going about their day.  I felt so ignored, yet it felt good to be out of her closet.  Then the thing I dreaded the most happened.  A middle aged woman with light brown hair squatted down and gazed at me.  She had a fairly nice face with few wrinkles and somewhat small boobies.  She picked us up off the shelf, set us on the floor and sat down.  She removed her shoes and got into position to try me on.  I tried to scream out but her hose covered foot began it's descent onto my insole body. Her suntan hose smelled like they hadn't been washed in a few days and they looked a bit dingy.  Her settled on me with a solid poooofff and her foot felt tight.  She gave me a good stomp and tried to adjust her foot but she knew I (the shoes) were too small.  She removed me from her foot and placed us back on the rack.  God, her foot stench stayed in me for a while after that.  I watched people to get my mind off it.  I wondered what they had planned for the rest of the day. I wondered what they were going to eat for lunch or dinner. That was the thing I miss most about being a shoe, shoe's don't eat dinner.  Only their owners foot grime and sock lint.  Only today I learned that some women don't take good care of their feet like Denise did.

Later on in the day it happened again.  This time it was a cute latina with dark brown hair, pretty face and medium sized breasts.  She squatted in front of me and picked me up almost as soon as she saw me.  She grabbed us both and dropped us on the floor.  She sat down and removed her tennis shoe and put me on.  Her foot settled on me with a silent pooooffff, almost like I was too small and didn't fit her foot properly.  She stood up, walked around and that was when she noticed I slid off her heel just a bit.  She quickly sat down and removed me.  I was put back up on the shelf and she continued looking at the other shoes.  Her feet were not that bad, I was wishing she had bought me.  Shit, what was I thinking?  I didn't want to be owned, I wanted to be human again.

As the day went on, more and more people visited the store.  I did notice more crowds in the evenings and on the weekends.  Heck, I don't even know what day it is much less what year.  Several teenaged girls even squatted down and talked about how I would look on their feet, if I was their size.  The blond said, "no, that's not my style, I like cute sandals."  The pretty brunette said, "Yeah, that looks like something my mom would wear to work."  They left and other women walked by.  Most just gave me a glance and moved on.  It was so boring being in the closet and now, being here and having women look at me.  I so hated the night time, the store closed and everyone went home and I was left on this shelf in a large semi dark room with other shoes.  Time passed slowly - not sure how but next thing I remember....

The third day

The store seemed lighted by the sun, not directly but because it had risen.  The lights in the store were not on so I guess nobody had gotten there yet.  I was guessing the main window for the store was facing some other direction than east.  Not sure how long I sat there then the lights came on.  I didn't see anybody for a while then I saw that woman that I saw the first day adjusting the shoes on the shelves.  She didn't even touch us, we were already positioned right.  The morning shoppers arrived much to my delight, I was sick of looking at the shelf above me.  Suddenly this older lady's face was staring at me.  I would have crapped myself except I couldn't in my present state.  She must have been 60 or so, weighed about 250 or so and I couldn't imagine why she would need dress shoes.  She got me and my mate off the shelf and I screamed in terror....  Please don't fit, please don't fit...  I felt myself set down on the floor and she removed her Birk's - oh shit!  Her medical stocking foot raised up and then it slowly slid into me.  NOOOOOOooooo!!!!  It didn't smell horrifying but it did smell bad.  I felt her guide her foot in and she adjusted her foot.  She stood up, shit, she was heavy.  She took a few steps, balanced herself, then sat back down.  I was slid off her foot and she set me back on the shelf much to my relief.  I heard her mumble something about needing more support. What a nightmare, to end up under a woman's foot like that?

I went about watching customers again except my point of view was slightly different.  I think that last lady put me on the shelf higher since I could see waist and hips instead of legs and feet.  It sure was good to have different scenery even though I was still stuck as a shoe.  Judging by what the customers wore, I would say it's summer.  I notice alot of open toed shoes and now shorts and skirts and even a few women in dresses.  It didn't get busy in the sotre and nobody else tried me on till sometime in the evening.  It was another middle aged woman, blond hair, somewhat tired looking.  She picked us up, inspected us and shit, I smelled cigarette smoke.  Oh how horrible, I would live in a cigarette smoking, middle aged woman's closet.  She put us down on the floor and sat down.  I thought I could even smell it off her purse since it was next to me.  She slipped out of her moccasins and I cringed in horror, her hose looked dirty too.  Her foot slid in and she adjusted her feet.  She must have put the other one on because I felt the weight increase tremendously.  She took a few steps, sat back down and removed us.  She set us back on the shelf but upside down.  Stupid bitch killed my view!  Well I guess it's better than if she would have bought me.

The fourth day

I couldn't tell how much time had passed but it seemed to be much quieter and darker now that I was upside down on the shelf.  The next thing I saw was that woman - she turned me right side up again and fixed things up there.  I'm not sure why I didn't notice it much earlier, her nametag said 'Michelle'.  I wanted to thank her for doing such a great job, but I couldn't.  And even if I could talk she might get startled; it's not every day she would hear a voice from a shoe.  I saw the rest of the lights come on in the store, they have only a few on when it's closed.  Same thing as before, few people early on then more crowded in the afternoon.  I cringed again, another middle aged woman stared at me.  This lady was white, long light brown hair and dimples on her face.  She picked us up, examined us then set us on the floor.  She removed her tennis shoes, which I noticed were dingy and looked like they would smell real bad on the inside.  She raised her foot above me and I screamed.  the bottom was dingy and as it got closer I could smell the stench.  Her toes slid past me then her heel tried to go poofffff!  it's like I got caught on her sock.  She quickly removed her foot, straightened up her sock and then tried again.  Oh god, once was enough.  Her foot finally slid in with that Pooooffff I have come to know.  She took a few steps, her cell phone rang.  Oh shit, she answered it!  She remained standing for a few minutes while she took the call.  When she finished, she sat down, removed me and set me back on the rack.  I'm glad she noticed we were too tight for her.

I couldn't believe it, not 15 minutes later another middle aged lady eyed me and picked me up.  She looked very nice, long brown hair, nice skin, latina, looked like she took care of herself.  She reached into her purse with her free hand and grabbed this white envelope.  She set us down on the floor and sat down.  She opened the little envelope and produced what I saw was an alcohol wipe and picked me up and proceeded to clean the insole as best as she could.  The alcohol stung me but I didn't have a choice.  She set me down on the floor and slid her stocking clad foot into me.  I did notice the bottom of her foot was fairly clean, and when it slid across my insole body the smell wasn't too bad.  Her heel pushed down and again that Pooooffff sound.  She felt really tight on the sides - she did only take a few steps and she slid me off her feet.  She set us back on the shelf and glanced around.  She then left when she was done in that area.

The crowd died down rather late night - maybe it was getting close to the weekend.  Not sure, but I did notice the lights going out when the last customer left.  Again I was left alone with the other shoes on this rack, again I waited...I wasn't sure of my fate and it bothered me.  I had some close encounters of the wrong woman buying me...

The fifth day

Today began like all the other day's I had been here, light from the outside peeking in, Michelle straightening out things and very little activity until the store actually opened.  They turned on the lights - a sign that customers would soon be there.  It was a bit busier this morning.  Maybe it was Friday and some had either the day off or took the day off.  I didn't have to wait long for a customer to glance at me and inspect me.  An older black lady picked me up off the shelf and then dropped me on the floor and she sat down.
She removed her loafters and began to try me on.  Oh god, her feet smelled horrible!  Her hose were crusty and she was going to put me on.  Nooooooo!!!!   Mmmmmmpppphhhhhfffff!  her foot smothered me and she tried to adjust to get comfortable, but she couldn't.  She quickly removed me and set me back on the shelf and looked around in that area.  I noticed she grabbed another pair of shoes, tried them on and left with them.  Poor shoes, They would have to endure her stench and weight.  I was still on the rack, watching customers, wishing Denise would come back.  Another woman stared at me...  she reminded me of Sarah Palin.  She was white, looked domineering and had some smelly feet encased in hose.  Oh god!  Help me!  She got me off the shelf, dropped me on the floor and removed her pump.  I screamed as her dirty hose covered foot descended on me but I couldn't stop it.  Her foot slid in and I heard that Poofffff!  oh god, her feet smelled bad, and I was stuck under them.  She walked around a bit, she sat down and she decided to make a call on her cell.  I was stuck, she talked on her phone, and I was sucking up her foot stench and suffering under her weight.  She finally finished her call, slid me off her foot and she headed to the checkout line.  Oh god, no!  Why me?  I was a bit loose on her foot and she was taking me to buy me?  Oh god.  She shopped more, she picked out a top & skirt that might have gone with me except I was a dress shoe and the top & blouse were party outfits.  She got in line.  Oh god, please talk some sense into this woman!  She's next in line.  Oh no!  I'm going to be owned!  She set me and all her other items down on the counter to pay.
The clerk reviewed story policy and said no refunds even if they don't fit right.  She said ok. the shoes are a bit loose, would that be ok?  She said no, if they are loose you may have problems later on.  She, my prospective owner said, 'nevermind, I won't take the shoes then, but the rest of the clothes I will take, they fit great."  The cashier grabbed me and put me in a basket under her station and made the sale on the rest of her stuff.  I was so relieved.  I was stuck in the store but in a return basket.  I wish Michelle would find me.  A bit later she dropped a skirt on me, and a blouse from what I heard.

It didn't work quite that way, the cashier that took me back as a return had to restock me before her break.  So a few hours later she grabbed that basket that had me and a few other items on top of me and she went to put us back on the shelves.  She put me back on the bottom shelf next to the 2 pairs of shoes I was with when i got here and left.  No good bye, no nothing.  I was sad.  I mean I was human, but they were treating me like merchandise.  Well who could blame them?  I was a black loafer.

This was my busiest day at the store - evan with my short hiatus under the cashier booth I found myself being tried on again.  Another big black lady grabbed me off the shelf and she sild her foot out of her dress pump and slid me on her foot.  It smelled awful - thank god I wasn't here long, I fit too tight on her and she put me back on the rack.  And then a few minutes later a middle aged hispanic lady set me on the floor next to her tennis shoes.  This lady was heavy too, medium long brown hair and she had socks on.  She removed her tennis shoes and tried to put me on.  She couldn't fit into me, so she removed her socks.  Same result but she did get her foot all the way in.  Her hot clammy skin pressed down on me while she took a few steps.  She decided she didn't want me so she put me back on the rack.  She put her socks and shoes back on when she found a pair she was comfortable in and left.

I noticed the crowd dying down and I was relieved when the last customer left and the lights went off.  I was almost sold today, under a few smelly hose covered feet, but still at the store.  I began seeing faces, things, different feet.  My vision began to tunnel, lhen I began heading into it.  It was as if I was in a trance.

I had a strange dream - I think the smells I endured today did something to my brain.  I saw Denise and Brenda talking from within a closet of some kind.  I heard Denise telling Brenda what she had done to me all them years ago.  About how she wore me to work all those years and nobody knowing any different.  She told Brenda with tears in her eyes that she donated me and wished she hadn't.  Brenda said she would try to help as best as she could.  Denise said something about a second hand store, Brenda said ok, I will be there tomorrow when they open and look around.  She again described me to Brenda, the black loafer has a dark brown insole with the word Petey' stitched into it under the 7 near the heel area in the shoe.  Nobody would ever know that word was actually the name of the person in the shoe now, most would assume it's a brand name.  This wasn't possible, I was in a store.  I wished I was human again.

I wondered how I knew this was going on or if this was my wishful thinking that someone was actually going to help me get back to normal.  Maybe it was some cruel vision that really meant I was going to be sold tomorrow and god knows what kind of woman would own me....  To be continued.

The loafer, part 3.

Day 6

I wasn't sure what came over me last night - I didn't even hear the first few people come in to get the store ready for the day's customers.  I saw this blond, short, but very pretty.  She went about straightening things out.  I was wondering where Michelle was, maybe her day off.  I mean I had seen her there the past 5 days she does deserve a day off.  I heard someone tell this blond they were having a special sale since it was the weekend.  Great, it's Saturday.  I wasn't sure how long I would make it before some woman bought me.  I knew the store would be crowded.  There would be a big crowd.

The lights came on, I was nervous.  Well as nervous as a shoe could be.  The store hadn't been open more than a few minutes when I saw a face I thought I recognized.  I had met her where Denise worked so long ago I thought it was her.  She is a pretty early 30's woman with long dark brown hair.  She had grey eyes and was what I would call average up top.  Her face was smooth and her hands were as well.  She was fit but not skinny, looked like she may have worked out but stopped recently.  She picked me up, turned me over then truned me right side up.  She appeared to be looking for something...  She placed her fingernail on the dot that was on me and saw the word there on my insole body.  She whispered Petey...  I got to get you out of here.  She grabbed us off the rack and placed us on the floor.  She removed her tennis shoe, I screamed at her NOOOOOoo!   She didn't hear me.  She raised her foot above me and slid her foot into me.  I heard that Pooooffff sound and it seemed like I was a perfect fit.  She stood up, took a few steps then sat back down.  She gently removed me and put her shoe back on.  She took us to the checkout line and the cashier rang 'me' up.  She told Brenda, just be aware there's no refunds.  Brenda quickly answered, "Yes, I know, perfect fit."  The cashier said, "That will be $10.81."  Wow, I was only worth $10,   I felt so depressed as the cashier dumped me and my mate into the plastic sack.  "Have a good day and thanks for shopping here!"  I heard her tell Brenda.  She said, "Have a nice day and your welcome!"

I lay trapped in the plastic bag while Brenda walked around the shopping strip glancing into other stores.  She did go into one, but didn't buy anything.  She headed to her car and drove home.  We arrived there and she picked up the bag and went inside.  She took me into a room and got me out of the bag.  It was then I saw it was her bedroom.  She sat down on her bed, grabbed a pair of scissors out of her nightstand and cut the string that held us together and gently removed that dot.  There, I hope that's better, she said gently to me.  I hope you can hear me.  I know of your situation and I'm going to try to help as best as I can.  But...  (There's always a but in cases like this) There are some problems.  The first one and probably the biggest one is Denise can't find the information on who helped cast this spell.  Second, we don't know if we can get you normal again.  I want to take you to work too.  I'm sure you will feel good while I work so tomorrow you will go with me.  I couldn't protest, not like she would listen anyway.  So this is how she's going to help?  It was still early in the day and she didn't have to work today so I ended up under her bed.  At least she didn't stuff her dirty socks in me, but still the underside of her bed was boring too.  I wondered how she spent her days off?  I wonder what all Denise told her?

The day wore on and she did look under her bed a few times.  She was even nice enough to move the heel part of the shoe out from under the bed so now I could see some of her furniture and the ceiling.  I thought she even took a nap - due to the fact she was up early and she works nights.  I could tell the sun was getting ready to set since it was getting dark in here.  She fianlly went to bed and I could hear her very light snores.  I also could feel her house shoes that she set next to me.  I could smell them faintly too or was that from my insole body?  Always the night passes so slowly, it's like a long period of some boring class that no matter if I can fall asleep during it - it seems as if it takes twice as long to finish.

Day 7

I could see light coming in the bedroom now, she was still sleeping.  Was kind of weird hearing her sleep without being next to her.  Or to Denise for that matter, except Denise kept me in the closet so I couldn't hear her.  Well not much - she did snore louder than Brenda did.  And hearing her arlamr startled me too, I don't remember hearing it in Denise's closet either.  She must have stayed in bed, I heard the alarm again.  This time she did get up.  She went about her routine and then remembered.  She came and got me and said I hope your ready to comfort my feet while I work!  She seemed a bit too excited to wear me.  I was scared.  She finished getting dressed and finally put her blue socks on.  She said hope they don't smell too bad and slipped her foot into me and pressed down.  Poooffff!  Her foot settled on me.  The smell was not bad now but in 8 or so hours I imagine it would be bad.  And this was te beginning of my Sunday.

She headed out to her car and drove to work.  I only had about a week off from Denise's foot and now I was back under a foot.  She arrived and went inside.  She said hi to everyone, they all greeted her and she set about to getting her area organized.  It began to get warm in here.  Also her footfalls didn't seem to be getting any lighter.  She pretty much had the same schedule as Denise, took 2.5 hours to get to her first break, then 2 more hours to her lunch then almost 2 hours to her last break.  I couldn't see how this was 'helping' me.  The same things happened to me with Denise that's happening with Brenda.  Except I felt a bit more sweat here.  And Brenda did stay late sometimes too.  But I don't think she wanted to.  She finally left, headed home but she did stop to get something to eat real quick.  Shit, more time I would have to suffer down here.  She finally arrived home with her meal, got inside and went to the table.  She casually slipped her feet out of me while she ate which let some cool air in.  I yelled up at her, "Brenda!!!  Help me!!!!  she didn't answer me, well she did put her foot back in me.  Oh god, how was she helping me?  She stood up and did what she had to do, then she went to watch tv.  I pleaded with her foot, but it didn't answer me.  The pressure lessened only because she was sitting down but the heat was still there.  I could faintly hear the tv with Brenda's feet smothering me it was hard to make out what was on...  I so wished I could be on the internet.  I didn't like TV but I doubt I would be online as a black loafer.  Brenda didn't seem to care I was here.  She watched her shows and then I didn't hear her anymore...  The TV droned on behind me and I think she fell asleep.  I tried to pound on her foot, but I couldn't move, my insole body didn't do anything.  I caressed her foot, she moaned.  That was all I could get out of her.  I guess all I could do was caress, not pound on her foot.  Oh my god, Denise would never sleep wearing me.  And she loved me, or so she said.  Brenda was torturing me.  She wasn't helping me.  I suffered under her blue sock covered foot, it would be very different if she wore hose with me on.  But no, she has to wear blue socks.  I think it's part of their uniform, Denise wore blue socks too.  And so my night went on, getting worn by Brenda while she slept in her recliner.  At least I stayed warm tonight, not cold and lonely on the floor in the closet or under the bed.

Day 8

Something woke her up and it was still a bit dark outside.  She realized she was still dreased and quickly removed everything.  She kicked me off near the foot of her bed and I landed sideways on the floor.  I could see one of her socks next to me.  She then put on her nightgown and went to sleep again.  She must have really been tired to fall asleep watching TV.  A few hours later her alarm went off and I noticed how much more light streamed into the room.  She stayed in bed a bit longer and there went the alarm again.  This time she did get up and started on her routine.  She usually had enough time to have lunch before she left for work.  Just today she would have to run an errand before work.  I just didn't know it yet.  She finished getting dressed and slipped her feet into me and left the house.  She headed to what I thought was work but she stopped off someplace and I soon found out it was to pay her electric bill.  I think that's the only good thing about being a shoe - no bills to worry about.  The line was somewhat long, felt like ages had passed as she stood on me.  She finally spoke to a cashier, they took care of the payment and she was on her way.  Now off to work where I would get squashed for the next 9 hours or so.  It was already getting warm in here, but cold outside.  I could feel the cold concrete on my back everytime she took a step.  I don't know how long I was in that box, I remember it was hot before Denise put me in there and when she dropped me off at that store.  Now it was fairly cold outside.  I did like it when my wearer sat down, that meant I got a break but usually she didn't remain seated for long.  In this case Brenda made it to work and I endured her steps to the building.  She walked inside, greeted her coworkers and again prepared herself for the day.  Funny how both days she worked I didn't hear Denise.  Maybe she was coming in late.  Brenda was helping whoever it was that came to the desk - she sounded so pleasant.  It's a shame nobody knew that she was squashing a former human being under her left foot.  Her breaktime finally came, much to my relief.  She walked to the breakroom had her snack, she went to the ladies room and then back to work.  As long as I have been footwear, I still can't get over how short the breaks are.

The day dragged on until lunch.  She heated up her dinner, god knows what it was.  Then she sat down.  Her phone rang.  It rang, and rang.  Guess she's not going to answer it.  She finished her dinner, washed up then headed back to work.  It was so warm in here.  I could feel some of her footsweat seep through her sock.  I did hear her laughing and joking with another coworker but I couldn't tell who it was.  I think I remember Denise telling me she rarely got to have lunch with Brenda becuase 1 or more of them at to stay at the front desk.  The only other 2 names I heard Denise mention were Larissa and Tiffany.  Larissa was a younger and single woman, whereas Tiffany was about the same age as Larissa but she was married with a kid.

They continued working till Brenda's last break, she made it to the breakroom and she sat down.  It was so hot in here it was now damp a bit.  It was a short break then the pounding and pressure began yet again.  She went back to her station and soon began wrapping up before her replacement took over.  Surprisingly she left on time and soon she would take me off - I hoped.  She headed home, the drive was short compaired to last night when she stopped someplace.  She walked inside and this time she went to her bedroom and got undressed.  She did take a warm shower once she had all her clothes off and me back under the bed.  The heat dissapated from me, her sweat dried on me.  She wandered back into the room in her nightgown and she pulled me from under her bed.  She said, "I really like having you as my shoe, feeling you on my foot all day.  It has to be hard since I walk all day but I do appreciate you."  She then said that Denise had called when she was eating dinner and left a voicemail.  She asked if Brenda was able to find me at the store or not.  I am going to have to call her tomorrow, she did take a few days off and should be back at work the day after tomorrow.  Tomorrow is my day off and I have something special planned for you.  Oh god, I was really scared now.  She set me back under the bed and went to go watch some TV before going to sleep.

Day 9.

I heard her come to bed and I guess it didn't take her long to fall asleep.  I heard her light snores and couldn't help wondering what was going to happen with me.  Would I ever be human again or would I evnetually wear out and get thrown in the trash....  That scared me.  I dwelt on that until I could see sunlight again come into the room.  Her alarm went off, I'm not sure why she set one if it was her day off.  She finally got out of bed, took a shower and came and got me.  I told you I had something special planned for you.  I'm going to watch a movie at the theater & maybe go have lunch.  So that means I won't have to wear socks today.  I did notice she was in jeans and a cute pnik blouse and that she was barefoot.  She slipped her foot into me - the bottom of her foot was smooth and somewhat cool from the shower.  I had wondered what her feet looked like; now I was getting a closer look. She finished getting ready and the pain of her steps did bother me but it didn't hurt quite as bad with the socks on.

She left the house and I had no idea where we were.  I heard her door open and she got out of her car and I felt the cool pavement under me.  She went inside and sat down at a table.  I guess she was having lunch first.  She played with me while she waited for her dinner, she slipped her foot out of me and dangled me from the front of her foot.  I didn't know that was possible, but she did it anyway.  The amazing thing was I could smell the food and I instantly remembered that hamburgers was something I loved having.  I know I wouldn't be getting a burger now, but would I ever eat real food again?

Her cell phone rang.  I heard her mumble, "Stupid ex Danny, just leave me alone."  Oh god, they must have separated.  I somewhat remember Denise telling me that Brenda was having problems with Danny and I think they still were, judging from the tone of her voice.  I wondered why she went out alone, she should have asked a friend to tag along.  At any rate she was alone, I was just a loafer and that's what others saw.

Her order arrived and she slipped her foot back into me.  I really hoped she enjoyed her dinner - I enjoyed that small break and fresh air.  I couldn't hear much outside the shoe' it was somewhat noisy in this burger joint.  She stood up and went to throw her trash away.  I was getting walked on as she went to her car.  I figured we were going to watch a movie, well she was anyway.  I wondered what the pedals in the car would feel like on my back, I mean I was a left shoe and most people don't drive with that foot.  I stayed stuck to the floor in the car so I guess I would never know.  My thoughts were interrupted as she arrived at her destination, grabbed her purse and opened the door.

I felt the cool concrete on my back as she took her steps to wherever we were at.  I was guessing the theater.  She appeared to be in line, her feet quit moving and the pressure was constant.  I felt her take small steps forward, then a few more, then 2 or 3 more, then more pressure.  She was walking again.  I heard a squeaky door open and she went inside.  The carpet felt nice on my back.  Oh god, she wiped her feet on the rug.  Her heel dug into me and my back scraped across the rug.  I screamed into the bottom of her soft foot but I got no response.  I did notice her foot was a bit cool from having it out of her shoe at the restaraunt.  She went into the bathroom I felt the cool tile on my back and it felt like marble.  I felt the places where the grout goes that separate the tiles.  I considered the possibility of being turned into a tile in a woman's bathroom.  For a short time I though about the countless women that would walk on me, the cleaning ladies that would sweep and mop me with various chemicals and felt like I am better off where I am.  She went and did her thing and surprisingly she took me off her foot and brought me to her face.  She said, "I hope you like my bare feet, I cleaned them especially for you."  I was trying to say back to her, "Yes Brenda, your feet are clean and they do smell good"  She said, "You are so comfy even without my socks on, I'm going to have to wear you on my days off more often."  I panicked, shit, her workweek was hard enough, now to be worn 1 or 2 more days?  That would certainly kill me.

Back out in the lobby, I felt what I felt before she got into the theater, constant pressure with small steps in between.  I think she may have been in line getting a snack.  She finally got to get what she wanted, pay for it and go sit down to enjoy the movie.  She went into the theater, her steps were the same and she then found an isle where she could sit down at.  Oh god, I felt sticky stuff on my back.  It was a thin coating of spilled cokes, dropped pieces of chocolate and popcorn and whatever people didn't want to get rid of in a trashcan.  It was slowly coating my back - I tried to yell to her to let her know what was happeneing but she just found her seat and tried to get comfortable.  I then heard sound, I guess the movie was starting.  I couldn't tell what she was watching, I just knew it was starting to get warm in here.  Soon her feet would be sweating and it would probably get on me.  I couldn't tell what was going on with the movie, when I would go to a movie I would pick something that had car chases and crashes, and things getting blown up.  I guess Brenda didn't like those kind of movies.  I was right, it got hot in here and her foot did start dripping on me.  I screamed my silent scream and it just kept dripping on me.  Her soft foot pressed down on me somewhat gently since she was seated and being sealed inside was making her foot sweat a bit.  I mean it wasn't too bad maybe if I was normal sized but being so much smaller now I noticed smells and liquids alot more now.

It was still hot in here, I didn't feel any movement from my owner.  She must be enjoying her movie.  I finally heard some people chatting.  I felt Brenda stand up.  She began making her way out of the theater.  I picked up more sludge on my back and she finally got to the carpet.  Oh shit, I screamed in agony as she dragged her feet to get that grime off me.  Yet again her soft foot crushed me into the carpet and I dragged across it slowly.  She did this for most of her trip out of the auditorium and I was relieved when she walked normally.  She headed to the ladies room on the way out and did her thing, again she removed me and whispered, "Wow, you got dirty & sticky, I guess I will have to clean you up when we get home."  I tried to speak to her, "I tried to let you know I was getting dirty but you didn't hear me."  She didn't hear me, she slid me back onto her foot again and I was again getting warm again.

Outside at the car the concrete was still cool she opened her door and got in.  She began her trip to wherever else she was going that day.  She got to her destination which I was hoping would be home.  I found out it wasn't.  The reason I knew we weren't at home was I didn't feel grass after the concrete.  I felt more tile when we went inside.  I heard people talking, and this annoying Beep, Beep, Beep!  I heard metal crashing against metal and I figured she had gone to the grocery store.

My back slammed against the tile floor every step she took.  It was very warm in here now and the only thing helping was the cool concrete & tile on my back.  I continued to hear others talking as she walked around the store getting what she needed.  Her soft bare foot was sweating a bit, I guess I couldn't really feel it with the socks on.  Occassionally I would feel like I was bent, when people squat down to get things off the bottom shelf their toes are down on the ground and their heels come up a bit.  That was the way I felt.  She was putting immense pressure on what would have been my privates.  Now it's just the front of her shoe.  She stood up, more walking and then another squat to get something else off the bottom shelf.  More walking, this time she stopped and stood still for a while.  I felt her take a few steps then stop.  I then felt her rocking back and forth and taking small side steps.  She then stood still again.  I heard more talking, she said some amount - she paid for her things.  She headed outside with the cart and walked across the cool concrete to her car.  She put her things in the front seat with her and we went on down the road.  I had no idea where we were going but it wasn't far.  She got out of the car again and did something.  I had no idea where we were at.  I heard alot of traffic - she was outside and was doing something at the car.  I know we didn't go but a few steps so I figured we were at a gas station.  She stood for what seemed like half an hour but it wasn't but 5 minutes, got back into the car and we were off again.  She drove without paying any attention to me whatsoever.

We stopped again this time I heard plastic bags rustle and she got out of the car with her things and headed inside.  She put her purse down and went to the kitchen with the rest of the stuff and set about putting it all away.  She only squatted once, I guess to put something in the bottom drawer in the refrigerator.  She went to the living room, turned on the TV and sat on her couch.  I felt myself being removed from her foot slowly the cool air started to hit me.  I then saw Brenda's face.  She saic, "I hope you liked my bare feet, I know it got a bit warm in there but I'm sure you liked it better than when I wear socks."

I tried to say something, nothing would come out, but I did enjoy her bare feet.  There was no way for me to let her know.  She did say she was going to clean me up.  She reached down, took the other shoe off and headed to the bathroom.  She cleaned the other shoe off first with some soap and water and this old rag she kept for cleaning the bathroom.  She then cleaned me up, the water was cold and I did feel the grime come off me.  She set us down on a towel to let us dry and she went back and watched TV.  I knew only a short time had passed, maybe an hour or so   She went back into the closet and picked out another outfit.  She said something about meeting a few friends for a few drinks.  She couldn't stay out too late because she had to work tomorrow.  She got ready and left a while later.  I was alone again.  She did return and put her strappy sandals on top of me and she went to bed.  I know she must have been tired.  She closed the door so I had no way to tell when the sun came up.  And time stood still.

Day 10

The door opened to the mini prison I was in along with all her clothes and other shoes.  She lifted the strappy sandals she had on last night and put them someplace else and grabbed me and my mate off the floor and took us to the bed.  She said, "I am so sorry for putting those shoes ontop of you.  I do hope you enjoyed yesterday up till that point."  I tried to say I did enjoy her bare feet and I wished she would do that again.  It didn't look like she heard me, she set me on the floor and sat down with her blue socks in her hand.  She was almost dressed for work and I knew her socks and me were last to be put on.  She slipped her lovely, soft foot into one sock, then the other.  It was weird seeing her do this for each foot, like she was doing it for me.  Then she put on her other shoe and then grabbed me.  I slid under her sock and heard that pooof! sound and we were off to work.

She readied herself and gathered her things and left her house, it was another cool day since the concrete was cool on my back again.  I again laid there while she drove wondering if she had spoke to Denise at all.  I wondered how she would react to seeing me on her friend's foot.  I guess I would soon find out since I heard the car door open.  She grabbed the few things she had and walked to the hotel.  She greeted everyone, I thought I heard Denise.  I wasn't too sure, I had limited hearing outside the shoe since my ears were near the outside heel portion of the shoe.  I heard her getting her area ready like she did the other 3 days the pressure on me was unrelenting.  She was laughing and giggling a bit.  Figured she was helping some guests and chatting.  Finally I heard Denise's voice.  I knew her voice anywhere.  She sounded happy, not sure if that's how she felt inside or how she was displaying on the outside.  They worked until Brenda went to break, she made her way to the breakroom and sat down.  I enjoyed my first break from all the pressure.  It was warm in the shoe but her foot wasn't sweating yet.  She ended up leaving, walked to the restroom and then back to her station.  I never realized they did the same thing - I figured they would do the potty thing first then the breakroom.

Back at her station she continued working, Denise took her break.  I laid flat on the floor mat while my owner stood, doing her work and helping guests.  I heard Denise come back from her break and they chatted.  I know they couldn't say much about where I was if others were around, I knew htey were talking about me when I would hear hushed voices.  That only happened when there wasn't anyone else around.  They couldn't have lunch together, so Brenda went to lunch first.  Now I could feel her foot sweat a little now.  This time she did go to the bathroom first, took care of things there then to the breakroom to have dinner.  I suffered as she went through the line to get her dinner.  I was relieved when she sat down.  I started thinking how Brenda's feet smelled compared to Denise's.  They smelled a bit different, Brenda's was more aromatic and Denise's was more musky.  Both of their feet started sweating at about the same time, right before their dinnertime.  And with Brenda weighing less than Denise it seemed that Denise's foot falls felt worse than Brenda's.  Of course there was a 20 pound or so difference at normal size - being a shoe they felt almost the same.  I could feel the extra weight.  I almost always felt when they were carrying something.  It was like an added weight that I had to cushion.

Speaking of cushion, she finished her dinner and got up to throw her trash away.  She went back to the bathroom then back to her station.  She said something to Denise, and she left for her break while Brenda helped a guest that arrived.  Once again I was under Brenda's crushing weight.  I wasn't sure if Denise even wanted me back at all.  To my knowledge she didn't ask for me, I just know they spoke of me.

I faintly heard Denise return from her dinner.  It didn't seem like 30 minutes had passed so quickly.  From the first day I found myself in this situation time didn't pass quickly often.  They talked and laughed with others and amongst themselves till they had their last breaks of the day.  First one went, then the other if they didn't have a crowd at the desk.  The night dragged on with both of them back at the front desk - hopefully they would let me know what would happen to me.  I heard more voices periodically but nothing real close by until a bit later.  I heard a third voice, a female.  I was hoping it was the overnight front desk lady.  Sure enough it was, I felt Brenda walking with something in her arms and she was able to sit for a while to do the day's paperwork.  I heard her hushed voice, she told Denise that she got me from the thrift store and was now wearing me.  She asked if Denise had the money to buy the loafers.  She said she didn't get paid until the day after tomorrow.  I remembered her payday was every other Friday so I had to remain this way and under Brenda's foot until then.  They were both off this Sunday - 2 more days after the payday.  They said something about meeting up to make the exchange.  They warpped up the paperwork, took whatever it was to where ever it was supposed to go and they left.

They said good night outside the hotel and Brenda walked to her car.  I had no idea if Denise was watching or wondering how I was doing.  I heard a door open and she got in the car and drove off.  She didn't stop to get somethng to eat so we arrived home and she got her things and went inside.  She did go to the kitchen and she fixed herself something and then ate at the table.  I lay trapped, unable to move.  I felt her walk someplace then she went to the living room and turned on the tv and she finally sat down in her recliner.  Once again I could hear the TV droning on behind me.  I am not sure what she was watching but I was worried she was going to fall alseep with me on again.  At that exact moment, she sat up, removed me and dropped me on the floor.  I saw her do the same thing to the other shoe and she removed her socks one at a time.  She then slide her feet back into the shoes.  God only knows where she put the socks.  She reclined back and continued watching her show.  I now was in contact with her damp yet warm skin.  There was some sweat on her foot that was now seeping onto me.  I felt he scrunch her toes and it felt so nice to have her bare foot on me instead of the socks.  I was probably imagining it I thought I could see light coming into the loafer around the edges but it wasn't possible even without the sock her foot would block all light.  I am sure I heard snoring again.  I tried to caress her foot, nothing happened.  What happened a few nights ago when she fell asleep with me on must have been my imagination.  I couldn't get her to moan again, no matter how hard I tried.

Day 11

It was a few hours later when she woke up - I felt her lower the footrest on her recliner and she walked to her bedroom, gently removed me and my mate and put us in the closet.  She quickly undressed and put on a nightgown and went to bed.  She left the door open this time, not like it would do any good.  I couldn't see her in bed.  Come to think of it, I never could see Denise in bed either.  Of course I don't think I would have wanted to since she replaced me so quick after my transformation.  I was lost in thought mixed in with what I now know as sleep until the sunlight slowly began to fill the closet.  I was guessing it would be another few hours till she got up.

Her alarm went off, I heard it for a bit and she turned it off.  I knew I would hear it a few more times and then she would start getting ready for work.  Same routine, different day.  I was jostled out of my thoughts when she picked up the shoes and set us by the bed.  From what I could see she was almost ready.  She quickly slipped her feet in without socks and finished getting ready.  I felt her feet once again slide out and saw her putting on her socks.  I think she knew I enjoyed her bare feet on me.  She slipped her feet back in me this time I knew it was for 9 or 10 hours.  I prayed she wouldn't have to stay late.  The footsteps began, you would figure I would be used to it already after having been this way for years now.  I screamed into the bottom of her blue sock covered foot just like I did when Denise first put me on.  Her foot didn't answer me - just as Denise's foot didn't.

Again I felt her outside on the grass and concrete, feeling her twist her body to get in the car hurt yet again.  She took off for work and before I knew it we arrived.  She gathered her things and exited her car and walked across the parking lot.  She walked inside, greeted everyone and set about to begin her day.  I once again bore her weight while she worked.  I knew Denise would be getting there about the same time so I wasn't surprised when I finally heard her voice.  She put her things away and also began her day.

The 2 and a half hours or so were long, I felt her foot begin to warm up.  I know she was standing on that padded floormat since I could feel it on my back so the pressure on her feet wasn't as bad as standing on the cold hard tiles.  She took her break and returned.  Denise then took her break and returned as well.  They continued working, helping guests and chatting when there wasn't anyone at the counter.  This time Denise took her lunch first then Brenda.  They both got back and really got busy.  They were helping guests check in.  Usually Thursdays weren't bad but there must have been some convention in town.  They worked hard to get everyone taken care of ; then they were able to take breaks.  I heard them say something about an hour and a half left when they got back.  They were able to start wrapping up shortly thereafter and this dime Brenda did the paperwork.  I felt her get heavier when she picked up the moneybag and paperwork; she headed to the back room and sat down.  It was hot and sweaty in here again.  She must have read my mind.  She slid her foot out and I felt the cool air.  She slipped her foot back in and took the bag to the safe and dropped off the paperwork where it needed to go and she went back out to the counter to check on Denise.  There was only 2 people there and she was about done.  Their overnight replacement arrived and they told her what they were able to do and they headed out.

They met outside chatted for a bit and said good night, tomorrow would be another day.  Brenda drove to a restaraunt to get a snack and then headed home.  She gathered up her things, got out of the car and headed inside.  She sat down at her dining room table and ate whatever it was she bought and then headed for her recliner where I heard the TV was already on.  I slid off her foot, she removed her socks and once again stuffed her bare feet back into me.  They were hot and sweaty like last night.  The lotion she put on earlier in the day long gone.  I didn't pay any attention to the TV rather her soft bare feet.  They were smooth but I couldn't tell what they looked like since it was completely dark in here.  I only got quick glimpses when she removed her feet or put her feet in me.

Day 12

She woke up a few hours later, walked to her closet and removed me.  For some unknown reason I landed upside down on a pair of her flip flops.  There is where I would remain till she woke up later on.  When that would be I don't know.  She must have been tired, it wasn't like her to leave me upside down.  Denise never did either now that I think about it.  Anyway, this is where I remained till she went to work.  Some mornings Brenda would get up and take care of things at the house and then get ready for work.  I think Denise did too, I know from when I lived with her she had a similar routine.

My thoughts were interrupted when Brenda walked into the closet to get her outfit for work.  She came back a few minutes later and picked me up and my mate & I noticed she had a pair of socks already in her other hand.  She said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you upside down.  Just 2 more days and you will be back with Denise.  I kind of like having you under my foot though."  She quickly added, "I think she did too, she just misses you being human."

I was shocked, I couldn't believe they had talked about me while I was under Brenda's feet the way that I am now.  I couldn't respond I saw her put on her socks and remembered Denise used to go to work early on paydays, or run errands before going into work anf figured Brenda was doing the same thing.  I was going to have a longer day than normal.

She gathered her things and went to her car.  She got in - I felt my 'back' scrape the concrete of her driveway.  I know she had to know she was hurting me.  I felt her drive someplace, she got out of he car and got in line some place.  I knew because she stood still, then moved a bit, then more standing.  It was kind of noisy but not too bad so it could have been a bank or something likie that.  She finished there, walked back to her car and drove someplace else.  I heard her order a cheeseburger combo and she said she wanted a diet coke.  I guess she was running behind and was going to eat at the breakroom at work.  She headed off to work after getting her food.  She placed the bag on the seat with the rest of her things.  I felt myself press the gas and brake pedals - I never paid it much attention.  It was what shoes did, whatever the wearer did she did.  She arrived at work once again she gathered her things and got out of the car.  Once again she walked across the parking lot.

Today went slow - I guess because I had already spent time under Brenda's foot.  It was already warm in here.  She greeted her coworkers and got herself to the breakroom so she could eat.  My break went by fast, before I knew it she was on her feet again going to the ladies room.  She took care of her business then headed to her station.  The steady pressure was unrelenting; the heat was growing and the mat that was under me didn't seem to cushion me at all.  Her breaktime came and went, the 15 minutes or close to that timeframe that she was seated felt like a few minutes.  More pressure, the sock that was on me began to get wet.  It was almost her lunchtime now.  I did hear Denise's voice a few times.  I wonder what she was thinking.  I wonder if she was mad becuase I was her friend's shoe.  I guess I wouldn't know until Sunday.  My thoughts were interrupted when Brenda walked to the breakroom.  Her first step on the hard tile floor was what woke me up from my thoughts.  She made it to the breakroom, heated up her food and sat down.  Oh god, it felt good to have most of her weight off me.  She somehow managed to slide her left foot out of the shoe and blast of cool air entered the shoe.  The sweat that was on me dried up and I felt like I was back in her closet for a while.  The relief was short lived, her foot once again descended and entered me once again.  She pushed down and had to use her finger to guide the shoe onto her foot.  I didn't think her foot smelled - maybe she was self concious.  Of course at my size smells were amplified.  She finished dinner, got up and threw her trash away and headed to the bathroom.  She did her business, washed up and headed back out to her station.

Now it was the last part of her day.  I was glad in a way so she would get home and relax.  I heard Brenda and Denise chatting in between their customers and I somehow heard that their replacement was running a bit late.  Denise quickly offered to stay till she arrived.  Brenda then got her work area cleaned up, gathered her paperwork and headed off to the office to work on it.  It was good to have her sit down.  She worked on the paperwork, finished up and she took the moneybag to the safe.  I knew it was the moneybag because she was a bit heavier like when she broughtt all hte paperwork to the office.  When she went back to the office I didn't feel the extra weight.  She did what she had to do, went to the front desk and said good night to Denise.  She headed out the front door toward her car and got in.  I wondered what Denise was thinking - watching me leave on another woman's foot.  I mean she did donate me afterall.  I wandered what I had done to make her do all this to me.

Brenda arrived back home, her foot crashing down on the driveway is what got my attention.  She walked to her door, got inside and set her things down.  She went to the livingroom and slipped out of me.  She removed her socks and set them off to the side someplace and she put her bare feet back into the shoes.  They were very warm, fragrent and they had traces of sweat on them.  At my size they were pretty big droplets.  I heard the TV turn on behind me as she reclined.  I also heard her on her phone for a bit.

I was 2 days, well almost a day and a half from the meeting with Denise.  It was going to be Sunday morning sometime.  I knew nothing of what had happened with the items from the shop that originally got me into this mess.  I was afraid I would live the rest of my life this way; suffering as some woman's footwear.  I was also afraid Brenda wouldn't meet with Denise and keep me for herself.  Many thoughts ran through my now tiny mind....  To Be Continued.

The Loafer part 4

Day 13

I awoke in a strange place:  I saw business suits, coats, dresses and other clothing that I hadn't seen nor had any idea where they came from.  I couldn't see to the side of me as usual but I could feel something leaning up against me.  I couldn't tell what it was but it felt like a purse or another pair of shoes.  I couldn't understand what had happened I heard noises outside the closet that were not typical of Brenda's home.  I heard the door open, the light turned on and I was blinded.  for some reason I was out in the open and the light shinded directly into my shoe prison.  I saw someone reach in, pick out a suit from the rack and she left.  Light still on & nothing else.  This sure was weird.  A few minutes later I heard water running.  I figured she was showering.  The cascade continued for a while.  I'm not sure how long 10 minutes was anymore but the water did stop.  It got quiet.for a while and she eventually returned.  She bent down and picked me and my mate up.  It was then I got sick to my core.  I didn't have a stomach anymore.  I saw a middle aged - maybe 50ish year old woman that I had seen on TV.  She was wearing a lilac business suit, white blouse underneath it, tan hose and now me.  I hate being a black shoe, I match just about everything.  She turned off the light and took me to her dressing table and dropped me on the floor.  I crashed on the carpet, bounced into the air doing a nice flip and I landed on my back again.  It was then that I saw a security badge on her blouse.  Brenda or Denise never had to wear one.  She finished getting ready and she bent down to put me on.  I got a real good look at her face and it dawned on me who this woman was.  It was Nancy Pelosi.  Oh shit.  SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF HERE!  Her stocking covered foot descended on the other shoe and I heard that POOOooof!  sound and then it was my turn.  NOOOOOOOO!  Her foot slowly descended on me, the toes flew past me and the light went out and her heel settled on me with the POOOooof! sound.  I then heard the door open and the light came on into the shoe that I was silently screaming in - Brenda reached in and picked me up and took me to her bed.

I was so relieved that was a dream.  But I wondered, how the hell do shoes have dreams?  Brenda!  Help me!  She bent over as if she heard me and said, "Hi, I hope you slept well and dreamed of my feet again."  I wasn't able to tell her of the horror I went through.  She said, "I have a short day today, only 6 hours instead of 8 and a half so that should be good for you."  She set me on the floor, almost carefully and slid her blue sock covered foot into me.  I yelled up at her, "Brenda!  How is this helping me?"  She didn't respond but instead stood up and started her day.  I heard her gather her things, go out to her car and get ready for her drive to the hotel.  The ground was cold and wet.  It must be December or something.  I have completely lost track of time - all I know is their routines and nothing else.  I felt myself on the carpet in her car yet again.  Most people don't use their left feet to drive, but sometimes she did if she had to adjust something on the seat next to her.  So most times I laid at rest on the carpet.  It was cold that morning or afternoon when she drove into work and it took a while for the heater to start putting out warm air.  I felt my front and top get warm so I figured she had the heat on.

She arrived at her destination, gathered her things and prepared herself for her day.  She walked across the parking lot - I got wet from some puddles that she couldn't avoid and she went inside.  She rubbed her shoes on the mat at the front door and I screamed into her sock covered foot, "Please, this hurts!"  Her foot didn't respond.  I then felt tile and heard voices.  I heard Denise and somebody else talking.  I figured it was her and a customer.  Brenda got her things in order and began her day.  I heard Denise ask shortly after if she could go on break since she had been there almost 3 hours.  Brenda said yes and she left.  Brenda stood at her station and worked.  Soon, Denise returned and they chatted when they could.  She told Brenda it had been busy and the night was looking the same.

Brenda went on her lunch - it felt weird to have her go 3 hours into her shift for her lunch break.  She heated up her lunch, sat down and ate.  She crossed her leg so that I would be up in the air instead of on the ground.  She sat there until it was time to go back to work.  She went to the ladies room, did her business and cleaned up.  I felt myself hitting tile again as she walked back to her station.  I heard talking again, then some quiet as it was just Brenda and Denise at the desk.  I heard Brenda say, "No, pay me tomorrow when we do the exchange."  Denise said, "I feel bad of what I did, I wish we could do the exchange now."  Brenda said, "I didn't bring any other shoes.  If I did I would give you these."  Her voice trailed off.

They continued working, she took a short 10 minute break about an hour after this happened.  She did have to make a phone call and then she was back at her station once more.  I felt the cushioned mat she stood on.  It didn't help me any but from what I remember when I was human and stood on htem it helped my feet and ankles.  So I figured it helped her.  Her foot began sweating again.  Like clockwork.  It was hot and this only added to my suffering.  She finished up her day, this time Denise did the paperwork.  Brenda helped 2 more guests and she was done.  Thier replacement arrived a few minutes early.  They briefed her on what to expect and what they had been able to do going into the overnight shift.  None of this was my concern though - they didn't pay any attention to me.  They left the hotel together - chatted in the parking lot and agreed on a time to meet up tomorrow.  I heard something about noon.  Maybe so the 2 of them could grab lunch.

I went off with my owner and Denise went her way.  I wondered if she was concerned for the pain that I was in.  I heard the car door open, she got in again twisting my back on the concrete and then resting it on the carpet.  She drove ssomeplace, I heard a voice outside the car, guess she rolled her window down then nothing.  She had even turned the radio down.  It's funny I never give the radio much thought anymore.  It's just music, I want to get out from under here.  I figured she was getting something to eat.  She headed home and again gathered her things, got out of the car and went inside.

Same routine, she went and turned on the TV, then to the table to eat her late dinner.  She finished up, threw her trash away and went to her recliner and removed her shoes.  She took off her socks like she did most nights and then stuffed her feet back into the shoes.  So I was now under her bare soft foot.  It was hot and sweaty but it felt better than the sock over it.  She made a call real fast then paid more attention to the TV.  I now dewelled under her heel with the TV droning behind me.  I could now feel the sweat dripping on me.  She did doze off and then woke up.  She went to her bedroom, kicked me off under her bed and put on her nightgown and went to sleep.

It was so weird being under her bed.  Denise never kept me there and this was the first time Brenda put me there.  I was so afraid to go back to Denise later today.  I figured she was still mad even though she told Brenda she felt bad about what she did.  Anyway there wasn't much I could do the time for when they would meet up would be soon.  I don't know if I ever went into that 'dream sleep' thing that I was used to going into.  I know there was light coming in the window.  She must be getting up soon to get ready.  Maybe she would change her mind and not go.  I heard her alarm go off.  She hit it and stayed in bed.  More time went by, it went off again.  This time she got up and headed for her bathroom.  I heard water running, I couldn't hear it much in the closet so I knew she was getting ready for a shower.  I knew it wouldn't be long now.

She got out of the shower, it took a while for her to come out since she had to dry her hair.  I did hear what sounded like a hair dryer.  She then went to her closet, grabbed some clothes and I noticed she had a pair of white and pink tennis shoes and pink socks in one hand and some clothes in the other.  My god, she was pretty.  She was walking around in a pink bra and pink panties.  She got dressed, I saw in a pink top and blue jean pants.  She came for me and got me out from under the bed.  She said, "I'm sorry that you have to go back to Denise, I want to keep you but we made a deal."  Here, before you leave I will wear you one more time.  She slipped her feet into both the shoes and walked around her room.  I knew she was going to do a few things around the house, maybe have a snack since she had some time before she had to leave.  I felt tile and carpet as she went from room to room.  Eventually tile again and more standing.  I figured she was going to have a very light breakfast.

I felt her sit down, she ate what she fixed and then back to the livingroom and to the recliner.  She must be watching tv.  She didn't prop her feet up like she normally does and when she would rock my back would rub the carpet.  I also heard her rummaging around for things, picking things up and setting things down.  Not sure what that was all about.  I noticed it was getting warm in here.  Her soft foot smelled good with the lotion she used on it.

I wasn't sure how long she sat doing what she had to do but suddenly she removed the shoes.  I slid off her foot and she brought me to her face.  "Thank you for being my shoe for the past 9 days."  She quickly added, "I appreciated you cushioning my feet and I hope they didn't smell too bad.  She reached to her side and pulled a small canvas bag out and dropped us both into it.  I knew then she was going to meet up with Denise.  I figured that's what the tennis shoes and socks were for.

This was the first time I left her house and I wasn't on her foot.  She got into her car and drove to where ever it was Denise would be waiting.  She must have arrived, I felt the bag lift up and she got out of the car.  She walked a short distance and then was inside some place.  It was noisy and I think crowded.  I thought I felt someone bump into the bag I was in.  I couldn't tell what she was doing but I would guess she was waiting in a restaraunt.  I couldn't hear alot but I felt her movements.  Shortly I felt her moving again.  This time I heard a female voice outside the bag.  She sat down.  I landed with a dull thud on the seat next to her. Now I couldn't hear much of anything now.  I laid there: helpless and in the dark quite literally I must add.  Finally the bag I was in lifted and I swung wildly and the top opened up.  I somehow was upside down so I couldn't see who was looking in.  I heard Denise's unmistakable voice saying, "Are you sure these are the right ones?"

Brenda said yes, they have the name you told me to look for.  I took care of them and even cleaned them up a bit before bringing them to you.  Yes she had cleaned me up late last night.  It was just some warm water with detergent and then wiped down with a clean wet rag.  Some kind of shower, or should I say sponge bath.

Denise gently lifted me out of the bag and grabbed a bag that she had.  She examined me, "Yes, these are the shoes."  She picked up my mate and dumped us into her bag and zipped it closed.  She placed me next to her and again I was deaf to the world.  I'm assuming she gave Brenda the $10 and change she paid for me 9 or 10 days ago.  I wasn't sure how long it was till I felt the bag move again but it finally did.  She left whereever it was we were and I had no idea where we were going now.

When the bag opened up again we were in an apartment or home.  It was fairly quite, only the TV going on about it's noise.  She got me out of the bag and began saying how sorry she was for doing all this to me.  She said she also found the items used in the transformation and had already read how to restore my voice.  She went about messing with the black wand thing I remember so well.  The next thing I knew she pointed it at me and I felt the same way when my voice was taken away.  I felt my 'ears' pop and my vocal cords activated and I tried to say something.  All I could get out was MMMMMpppphhhh!  She looked at me and said why can't you talk?  MMMMMMMMpppphhhh!  She examined the shoe and saw the dot from the second hand store and gently removed it.  There, that should do it.

"Baby, why?"  I couldn't believe I said something.

She got sad and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't appreciate you when you were human and I see now how you did help me.  I also did appreciate you as my work shoes also, I should add that I couldn't say.  I was embarrased to talk to my own shoes."

She was right, not many people speak to their footwear.  I asked, "How long have I been this way?"

She said, "About 5 years.  My life has been mostly work and bad relationships since that day."

I stated, "Well I was wondering what I had done to be punished this way."

She quickly replied, "I was hoping to find someone who had a job and car - I realize now that isn't all what relationships are about.  I know you worked and when you didn't you took care of the house but it wasn't the same, now I realize I was wrong."

I told her, "I thought I heard arguing and fighting when I was in the closet."

She said, "Yes, he was verbally abusive and sometimes physically shoved me around.  I had to move out to keep him from finding me.  He did try to talk to me at work but security stopped him."

I whispered that I was sorry.

She said, "We need to get you back to normal."

I said, "I thought that wasn't possible.  I thought I was stuck this way."

She said, "It's possible, but there's a few 'catches'."

Oh god, here we go.  This was when I found out most had been done.  She picked up a sheet of paper and read from it:

1.  Denise had to learn what she had was the best thing for her.
2.  The change couldn't be undone after 7 years.
3.  Three women had to wear me for their workweek and appreciate me as footwear.
4.  The shoe's 'voice' had to be restored.
5.  The shoes had to be in almost the same condition they were in before the change.

Oh god.  My heart sank.  Five years under your feet - I don't think I'm the same as before I got this way.

She quickly added, "Yes you are, you had some kind of rejuvination spell or something on you the whole time.  When you were not worn you regenerated some of what was lost."

I said, "Good, almost everything is complete.  It's less than 7 years, I have my voice back  I think condition one has been met."

She said, "Yes, it has.  I realized it when I asked Brenda to go get you from the store.  I had worked a long week then took a few days off to recover when I had sent her to get you."

I then added, "Well that just leaves 3."

She said, "I don't know who we can get for the third woman."

I said that Brenda appreciated me as her shoe and that you missed me being human.

She said, "Yes, very much so."

So now back to condition 3.  Not many other women that wear size 7 shoes that work with Brenda and Denise.  I can ask around.  I do know we work with Tiffany, she works in the morning.  Only problem is I think she has smaller feet than Brenda and I do.  Denise picked up the paper again.  She read something in the paragraphs - the shoes could be changed a few sizes either way but have to be reverted back to size 7 for the change back to normal.  Ok, so now we had a 3 size window either direction, from 4 to 10 now.  This device has a size menu and some numbers on it also.  So that's how I change your size.  Just for giggles she pressed a few buttons and woosh!  The pair of shes became 3 sizes bigger.  She shockingly said, "Damn, you could hold some really big feet now."

I quickly said, "Shit, you and Brenda hurt and you 2 don't weigh over 200.  I could imagine how much a 300 pound woman would hurt me."

I then remembered what happened at the thrift store and told Denise what happened.  She laughed and said, "I'm sorry."  She quickly added, "There could be a chance it could be a heavier woman that has a job where she's on her feet alot that may appreciate you."  I mean alot of thin women don't have that problem.  She then changed the knob back to 7 and I changed back to the size I was before.

I couldn't believe I was hearing this.  Denise, could you ask Tiffany if she would do it?

She said, "Maybe, we would have to turn off your voice, her husband is very jealous."

I laughed, Jealous?  Of a pair of shoes?  I added quickly, forget it.  Find someone else.  I don't want him to get upset with her and throw me out with the garbage.

She said, "Yeah, maybe I can put an ad or ask Brenda if she knows anyone.  I mean her ex Danny was into feet and he was on some foot boards.  Maybe there's some women that hang out there too."

"Ok, so now what?  Are you going to wear me to work tomorrow?"  I asked.

She said, "I think so.  I mean I like my new dress shoes but they are not quite broken in."

Well nobody will hear me if your foot is in the shoe.  I remember you could hear me in the closet and if there isn't much noise around.  She changed ths subject, "I still feel weird about talking to you this way.

I said, "I know, but what can I do?  Your the one that has to reverse this."

She frowned and she said, "I'm going to watch TV, I remember you don't like TV much.  I will just leave you here next to the recliner and put you in the closet when I got to bed."

I said with my hopes up, "or you could wear me barefooted - like Brenda did a few times."

She was surprised about the last part.  Ok, if that's what you want.  I do have a few things to do around here before I go to work tomorrow.  She quickly removed her socks and slipped her feet into the shoes that I was a part of.  Her feet were warm from being in the sock and soon I would be warm too.  She finished watching her show then she got up and did whatever it was she had to do.  I'm sure laundry was one of thie things she was doing.  Her foot pressed down on me and I just cushioned her lovely peds.  She sat down periodically to watch TV then off to do more chores.  I know she fixed dinner since she was walking around on the tile area of her home.

She finished doing what she had to do and took me off again by the TV.  She asked, "Was that good?"

I replied, "Yes, it sure was.  It's a shame you got to go to work tomorrow - the long days used to hurt me."

"There's not much I can do, I sort of need the money."  She stated.

I told her I remembered most of the reason we would argue was because of that.  She said I have tried to get better about it.  She got herself ready for bed and put me in the closet when it was time for bed.  I tried to look around, I could only see clothes hanging up and not much else.  I could smell shoes, unless it was coming from me.  I have had a female foot in me for about 5 years.  It was dark again.  She sometimes kept the door open, tonight she did that.  I slowly wandered off to the dreamland I now know as sleep.  I thought of Brenda - in a way I missed her.

Day 14

I must have been in a good dream - the alarm woke me up with a start.  I heard Denise turn it off and was on her way to the bathroom.  She normally showered then ate something before heading to work.  I heard her on the phone a few times also.  I knew after the went into the closet for her work things it wouldn't be much longer when she would have to put me on.

She asked, "I hope you will be ok."

"There's not much I can do"  I replied.

"With some good luck I may find someone today, I think Brenda knows somebody."  She tried to sound cheerful.

"I sure hope so."  I then saw her sock foot descend on me and felt it press down on me and her day was just beginning.  She gathered her things and left.  I knew I would be stuck for nearly 10 hours here since she had a ride to and from work.  If she only knew the pain she was causing me.

It was like any other day, arriving at work, greeting everyone, starting her shift and lots of standing.  I knew the routine.  I was happy for breaktime the few times I got out from under immense pressure to just minor pressure.  I couldn't hear much of anything outside her shoe but I thought she may have been on the phone.  Of course she may have been texting.I always knew she was heading back to work right after she went to the ladies room.  I couldn't believe it when she took her shoes off in the restroom.  The cool air hit me and when she finished she slipped her feet back into me.

I noticed that now I would begin to get hot right after her lunch break instead of 30 minutes before had she not removed the shoe.  The problem is the dried sweat would then remoisten and it would be the same amount of sweat.  I yelled into the bottom of her foot that she was hurting me.  I got no response.  She stood and did whatever it was she had to do at work.

She took a quick 15 minute break later on but still with about 2 hours left of her shift - she walked to the ladies room, took care of business.  Shortly after that were were on our way to the breakroom.  I thought I heard her on the phone but I couldn't tell.  I know they had a TV in there and at this late of an hour there shouldn't be too many people out and about.  She got up - breaktime was over.  I felt us walking down the hallway to her station.  The rest of the night passed quickly and then she went home.  She said bye to whoever was there taking her place after she left and she headed out the door.  Oh wow, the ground was real cold.  Felt like ice, sand and snow that she was walking on.  She made her way gingerly to the car and got in.  I'm sure in this bad of weather she would just go straight home.

She arrived home, went in and took me off her foot.  She said, "I think i found someone that can do this."

I was in shock, "Who?"

She said, "It's someone that responded to my ad, she just got a job at a bank and needs new work shoes."

"Oh god, more standing."  I groaned and quickly added, "Why couldn't a secretary or typist respond?"

She added, "Her name is Mary Anne and she works for a large bank here.  She got the job but was wearing some old worn out shoes.  The bank requires them to wear this type loafer and your favorite - pantyhose."

"Ok, a good point, but what size is she?"

"8, but she did say she was working on losing some weight.  So you may fit her tight in the beginning.

"Oh god, my worst fear."  Can't you find somebody else?  What did Brenda say?

"She doesn't know anybody, she's still asking around though.  Well I will do something for you tonight."  She said, smiling and removing her socks.  She dropped me back on the floor and put me back on.  Oh god, her feet were soft but hot and dripping with sweat.  They warmed up the dried up sweat that was in her shoe and I was instantly soaked.  I heard her laugh and she got up and went to the kitchen for something.  She walked back to the recliner and sat back down.  She too was like Brenda and watched TV when she got home from work.  I heard the TV going on behind me but there wasn't much I could do with the sweat & smell in here now.

Suddenly she removed me and said, "Hey, she's going to get you tomorrow so with all good luck you will be back to normal this time next week!" I could tell she was excited.

"I hope so, I think I forgot how to be human."  I said dejected.

She slipped me back on her foot without saying anything else.  I don't know if she was going to go to sleep or keep watching her show.  I clung helplessly to her foot and thought about what it would be like to be human again.  Doing all the things people do instead of being worn and thrown in a closet when I'm not needed.

I guess I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice she had gotten up.  She walked to the restroom, washed up and then took me off and said, "Good night, see you tomorrow then in 1 week you will be back here for the transformation back."

"Night Denise."  That was about all I could muster.

Day 15

She dropped me in the closet - I guess this was routine she forgot she had kept me under the bed a few times.  She slept and when her alarm went off she got up, showered and got dressed.  She had on a blue shirt, blue jeans and she had a sweater and some gloves off to the side.  I knew it was cold out when she had a sweater on.  She got me out of the closet and said I don't know much about her, I did tell her to bring you back in a week and I would pay $100.  I'm going to meet with her and make the exchange.  She grabbed the remote, turned off my voice again and turned the dial to 8.  Once she was satisfied with the changes, she dumped us in a bag and closed it.

And just like that we were off.  Off to someplace and I didn't know where.  They met up, made the exchange and Denise gave instructions again.  This woman got us out of the bag, quickly removed her boots and put us on.  I screamed under her hose covered foot, it had been in that boot a while and alot of sweat had built up.  It mixed in with the scent of what was left of her lotion.  She walked around the room a bit, sat back down and removed me from her foot and dropped me in the bag.  "See you in a week!"  That was the last I heard her say to Denise and she walked off with me in her bag.

This woman was alot bigger than Denise, about 100 pounds bigger.  She was about 25 years old, red hair and semi light skinned.  She did arrive at work and she removed the boots and slid me on her feet.  I could only see her tan hose and dress slacks.  I pleaded with her but her foot still entered me.  It was a tight fit and I heard that poooofff sound.  I tried pushing her heel off me but it was no use.  I instantly regretted that I told Denise that she was heavy.  This woman was hurting me with every step.  I also realized her foot began sweating alot earlier in the day than the other 2 women I had been under.  I heard people and noise all arround me and nobody seemed to realize that I was yelling for help.

She took her first break.  I began to realize that most people sit down on their breaks and go to the restroom.  Or vice-versa.  I know they all ended so quickly though.  Before I knew it we were back at her station again.  It was hot in here and there was so much sweat on me.  The hose didn't keep it off me like the socks did but her foot was soft.  The day continued on there appeared to be no relief in sight for me.  I heard more people going into and out of the bank and again around lunch time she took her break.  She went to the restroom, cleaned up and then went to the breakroom.  I think it was a multi office building since other offices shared the same building on the other floors.  She ordered her food, crushing me under her feet the whole time.  She st down, ate and headed to the restroom again.  She did her business and cleaned up.  I figured she had to be clean for the customers.  She walked back out to her station and did her work.  The day continued to drag on.  I wondered if Denise knew what she had done to me.

Finally she took her last break.  Same routine, same noise in the breakroom.  Then back to her station for more standing.  I felt - this late in the day - that the hose were cutting into me.  Like leaving their imprint on my face and body.  The sweat kept coming.  Her shift ended and she headed home, I think.  She drove for a while - maybe she had a long commute into work.  She got home, sat down in her favorite chair and slowly slipped her feet out of me.  She said, "Guess what?  I got a new assignment for the bank."

I wasn't able to say anything audible because Denise had turned off my voice.  I tried to say, "Awesome!"

She happily added, "I'm moving to Phoenix and your coming with me.  See this is a suite that I was renting for a few days while my things got moved out there.  We will be on a flight tomorrow morning and get everything situatied.  Then I got to work a few days then 2 days off.

I screamed, "Nooooo!  You can't do this to me!  You got to take me back so Denise can make me human again!

It was like I said nothing to her.  She sounded so happy about her plans - she walked to the bedroom with us and set us under the bed.  Thats where I laid until the next morning.

Day 16

Just as she promised her alarm went off early, she showered, got dressed and grabbed us out from under her bed and slipped into us.

I again pleaded with her, "Please don't do this!"  She slid into the shoes and Pooooffff!  I was again sealed in darkness.  Her hose covered foot was cool and clammy from the shower but it wouldn't be long before it would get hot.  She gathered her things and left for the airport.

I pounded the ground at the airport, shit it was a long walk to whereever she had to go.  I ached, the concrete hurt on every step she took.  Her heel slammed into my face.  It began to get warm except for my 'back'.  It was on cold concrete.  She kept walking, I pleaded with her hose covered foot but I got no relief.  She stopped some place then a few more steps.  I then suddenly felt her press hard on me, then slowly removed me.  The air hit me and I saw people all around.  I screamed for someone to help me.  "HELP!  SHE'S KIDNAPPING ME!"  Everyone went about their business getting checked in.  Some TSA worker inspected me.  I tried again, no response I was treated like a real shoe.  I was set back on the table and Mary Anne put me back on the floor and slipped her feet back into me.  I begged silently for her to let me go but her foot just settled on me.  The short time her feet were out of me cooled them off a bit so now the process started all over again.

She waited for them to board - seated.  Thank God, I thought she was going to crush me. I waited there until she stood to get in line to board.  Again more pressure.  Then the walk to the plane and to her seat.  It wouldn't be but 90 minutes or so on the plane so I had better enjoy the rest.  It was getting warm again.  It was an uneventful ride - but one that I knew I didn't have a choice in taking.

The flight landed - it took a while for them to unload.  I suffered under Mary Anne's foot while she waited to get off the plane.  I finally felt walking, then the carpet in the airport, then tile when she got to the main walkway.  Again a long walk to a car, whether it was her car or someone picking her up from the airport I don't know.  I could hear people, then people and cars.  I felt her get into a car.  I felt the carpet under me and I couldn't tell who she was riding with.  The ride was kind of long but eventually we got there.  She did say she had something lined up out here, maybe an apartment.

She sat down after getting inside - I didn't hear a TV like when I was with the other 2 women.  It was reasonably quiet.  I then heard music.  It sounded like a stereo or something.  She did her work and I lay silently under her foot.  Her stockings gently rubbing me and her foot getting warm.

The rest of my life.

She didn't talk to me ever again - why should she?  I don't think she knew I was once human.  She wore me 3 to 5 days a week and she worked alot.  She did lose 50 pounds - I couldn't tell since the change was so gradual.  My real life was over - the day of my 7th year anniversary came and I felt this 'seal' pop in me.  Like I was cemented in the shoe, never to return.  I silently cried, begged and pleaded with her when she wore me that morning.  It didn't do any good.  I now had many years to get used to her smell, sweat and pounding.

Her days were long, I had lots of footsweat and heat to contend with.  Her stocking covered feet stayed warm in me.  It was worse in the summertime there in Phoenix.  I had blistering hot pavement on my back when she walked outside.  She did take vacations in the summertime - probably up north someplace to get away from the heat.  But I wouldn't know, I stayed in her closet.

I found out she had been busy working her way up the cooperate ladder - several promotions and many raises.  I endured all of it.  Nobody knew I was suffering under this redheads size 8 feet.  I knew the spell had protected me since I lasted the full duration of her 30 year career at the bank.  I'm sure she had to wonder how a shoe could last that long.  But she never gave it much thought.  When she retired from the bank, I languished in her closet until she decided to donate me.  Then I would serve another woman for god knows how long.

She did put me in front of a mirror real quickly once, and I did show some wear so the spell must have been wearing out.  She did say she appreciated how well I cushioned her foot and that I lasted all those years.  She cleaned me up, wiped me down with soap and water and let me dry.  Shortly after that she boxed me up with alot of her work things and there I sat for weeks.

I think she forgot about me - it was all dark and dusty smelling now.  It was so sad that it was going to end this way.

 The Loafer Part 4:  An alternate ending.

Day 14 - a change to the original storyline suggested by Jango Feet.  I got to thinking about this ending after the way she did me and how abruptly I had to leave her.  I had so many other things to do the past 6 months I could only live out this ending.  I figure I better write it down before I forget where I was going to take this.

It was so weird being under her bed.  Denise never kept me there and this was the first time Brenda put me there.  I was so afraid to go back to Denise later today.  I figured she was still mad even though she told Brenda she felt bad about what she did.  Anyway there wasn't much I could do the time for when they would meet up would be soon.  I don't know if I ever went into that 'dream sleep' thing that I was used to going into.  I know there was light coming in the window.  She must be getting up soon to get ready.  Maybe she would change her mind and not go.  I heard her alarm go off.  She hit it and stayed in bed.  More time went by, it went off again.  This time she got up and headed for her bathroom.  I heard water running, I couldn't hear it much in the closet so I knew she was getting ready for a shower.  I knew it wouldn't be long now.

She got out of the shower, it took a while for her to come out since she had to dry her hair.  I did hear what sounded like a hair dryer.  She then went to her closet, grabbed some clothes and I noticed she had a pair of white and pink tennis shoes and pink socks in one hand and some clothes in the other.  My god, she was pretty.  She was walking around in a pink bra and pink panties.  She got dressed, I saw in a pink top and blue jean pants.  She came for me and got me out from under the bed.  She said, "I'm sorry that you have to go back to Denise, I want to keep you but we made a deal."  Here, before you leave I will wear you one more time.  She slipped her feet into both the shoes and walked around her room.  I knew she was going to do a few things around the house, maybe have a snack since she had some time before she had to leave.  I felt tile and carpet as she went from room to room.  Eventually tile again and more standing.  I figured she was going to have a very light breakfast.

I felt her sit down, she ate what she fixed and then back to the livingroom and to the recliner.  She must be watching tv.  She didn't prop her feet up like she normally does and when she would rock my back would rub the carpet.  I also heard her rummaging around for things, picking things up and setting things down.  Not sure what that was all about.  I noticed it was getting warm in here.  Her soft foot smelled good with the lotion she used on it.

I wasn't sure how long she sat doing what she had to do but suddenly she removed the shoes.  I slid off her foot and she brought me to her face.  "Thank you for being my shoe for the past 9 days."  She quickly added, "I appreciated you cushioning my feet and I hope they didn't smell too bad.  She reached to her side and pulled a small canvas bag out and dropped us both into it.  I knew then she was going to meet up with Denise.  I figured that's what the tennis shoes and socks were for.

This was the first time I left her house and I wasn't on her foot.  She got into her car and drove to where ever it was Denise would be waiting.  She must have arrived, I felt the bag lift up and she got out of the car.  She walked a short distance and then was inside some place.  It was noisy and I think crowded.  I thought I felt someone bump into the bag I was in.  I couldn't tell what she was doing but I would guess she was waiting in a restaraunt.  I couldn't hear alot but I felt her movements.  Shortly I felt her moving again.  This time I heard a female voice outside the bag.  She sat down.  I landed with a dull thud on the seat next to her. Now I couldn't hear much of anything now.  I laid there: helpless and in the dark quite literally I must add.  Finally the bag I was in lifted and I swung wildly and the top opened up.  I somehow was upside down so I couldn't see who was looking in.  I heard Denise's unmistakable voice saying, "Are you sure these are the right ones?"

Brenda said yes, they have the name you told me to look for.  I took care of them and even cleaned them up a bit before bringing them to you.  Yes she had cleaned me up late last night.  It was just some warm water with detergent and then wiped down with a clean wet rag.  Some kind of shower, or should I say sponge bath.

Denise gently lifted me out of the bag and grabbed a bag that she had.  She examined me, "Yes, these are the shoes."  She picked up my mate and dumped us into her bag and zipped it closed.  She placed me next to her and again I was deaf to the world.  I'm assuming she gave Brenda the $10 and change she paid for me 9 or 10 days ago.  I wasn't sure how long it was till I felt the bag move again but it finally did.  She left whereever it was we were and I had no idea where we were going now.

I heard female voices - in a car and soon they were drowned out by the radio.  I though Denise was going home.  Once again I felt movement.  I heard keys and then a door opening.  I heard giggling - Brenda hadn't left!  She was with Denise at one of their homes.  I couldn't tell who's home they were at.  The bag I was in landed on something soft.  I was thinking the bed or the sofa.  It suddenly opened and I saw Denises face peer in.  She then reached in to get me out when suddenly she was caught in a beam of light much like the one I was caught in all those years ago.  She shrieked, "Brenda!  How could you do this to me!"

I fell out of Denise's hand.  Her quick reply, "The same way you did this to Pete.  He was everything and good to you and you turned him into footwear.  Soon now I hope you enjoy the next 5 years of your life!"

She shrank down the same way I had, her body collapsed in on itself and it took on the form of the shoe that matched me.  I guess after having me for the past week she was able to make an exact copy of the right black loafer.  I lay there on the bed in shock;  I didn't know what to think now of Brenda.  I was immediately afraid of her.  She transformed my exgriflfriend and made her an exact match of the loafer I had been imprisoned in for the past 5 years.  The transformation was complete.  She picked up Denise and set her next to me.

Brenda smiled, "Well now I have 2 living loafers that will be going to work with me tomorrow!"  She giggled when Denise in her loafer tried to yell at her.  She laughed and said you should have thought about what he was going through.  You will have five years now to think about what you put him through.  And don't worry - as soon as I figure out a way to reverse this, you will be back to normal.

Brenda walked away leaving us both on the bed.  Denise with panic in her voice said, "I am scared!  I don't want to be a shoe!"

"I think a week would have been fine.  I mean you know about my thing with feet, but 5 years?  I think it was a bit much."

She shrieked, "I know!  I'm sorry!  Get her to change me back!  Please!

I so badly wanted to help her, she didn't have a foot fetish and I knew it was going to be hell for her.  I am sure Brenda was going to have some long days since they were now short a front desk person.  "I'm sorry, I think that's beyond my call.  She likes me and all but I don't think she likes me that much.  I will ask her though."

Brenda returned, much to our surprise.  She calmly said, I think I'm going to wear you 2 for the rest of the night.  I have a few things left to do and maybe some TV shows to watch.  I will try the barefooted wearing tonight.  You two are going to have to deal with my socks tomorrow.  It's only 4 pm so I figure 8 or 9 hours on my feet will give the 'newcomer' some practice.

I heard screaming from the other shoe.  I knew it wasn't going to save her.  I had many years of practice of looking at the bottom of a female foot - I couldn't scream.  She was good enough to put me on first.  I felt her soft foot settle on me and I imagined what was going on in the other shoe.  I could hear faint screams and then it suddenly got quiet.  I heard her say she was going to wash clothes then watch some TV before fixing dinner.  I felt her carpet floor then the tile and then the cool concrete outside in her garage.  She stood at her machine putting clothes in and left to the living room.  I heard the droning of the TV - I tried to hear Denise's screams but I couldn't.  Either they were too faint or the TV drowned them out.  At least Brenda was sitting.  Tomorrow was going to be a different story.

She finished her show, headed back to the garage to change the first load over to the dryer.  She began a second load.  She finished there, went to the kitchen to fix something to eat.  I could tell since she was standing on the tile floor.  I had much practice in telling where my owner was standing by the feeling I got on my sole like body.  Wait!  Owner!  I was human, I mean I am human!  Brenda finished her dinner, went back again to the garage and got the load out of the dryer and she stood the whole time while she folded stuff up.  Then she put the next load in and she went back to watching TV.  It wouldn't be long till she got up to fold the second batch of clothes.

After the clothes were done she finished her shows.  I thought she may even have fallen asleep in the chair like I had seen her - or rather - felt her do in that week she had me.  She got up, went to the bedroom and took me off first.  Then Denise.  I heard the screaming again.  Brenda shook her head and sternly said, "Your not coming out of there until you have learned your lesson.  Pete, I think I know how to reverse this.  I want to wear you a few more times before I change you back."

"Yes Brenda, thank you for using me as the object I am."

She laughed, "but only for a few more days."  She quickly added, "I need to do something about Danny."  She took me out of the closet and brought me to her bed.  "He cheated on me and I was hoping you would date me"  She paused, "After your human again of course."  She giggled  and went on to say she liked to have her feet licked and was liking what Denise had told her about me before the change.  I think it would be fun to have a guy into feet like you are - maybe some butt play too!

"That's something that Denise never wanted to do."  My voice trailed off.  She quickly added, "Well I will - heck maybe turn you into some panties after you have been human a while!"  She giggled at that.  "That would be nice, but I would like to get out of this shoe for a while."  She assured me, "As soon as I transform Danny or get rid of him completely."

She dropped me back in the closet - I could hear screams coming from the other shoe and she set me down next to the lone loafer.  "Brenda!  Get me out of here!"  She didn't answer instead she closed the door and left us in darkness.  "Pete, help me!  Just the little bit of time she wore me hurt real bad!"  She quickly added, "And her foot stunk and it was a bit damp with sweat!"

I then told her how my life was for five years.  All the steps you took, all the footsweat I absorbed, all the heat I captured and not to mention the scrapes and rubbing on concrete or other objects.  I couldn't count the days - the few vacations you took were nice compaired to suffering under your feet.  Yes it was boring in the closet but better than the long hard days.

"I didn't realize it hurt so bad.  If there's anything I can do to make it up to you I will!  Just ask Brenda to get me out of here!"  I know you like feet, but damn, that's alot to deal with every day.  I remained quiet in my prison hoping she would as well.  It had been so long since I had someone near me that would speak to me instead of treating me as an object.  Ironically the one speaking to me was enclosed in an object like myself.  I finally mumbled to her, "Please go to sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

Day 15

I am not sure if she slept - I slept as I had the past 5 years.  It seemed as though my body would rejuvinate itself overnight.  As in repairing some of the damage my owner had done.  Since Brenda closed the door we didn't or couldn't tell what time it was.  I knew it was just after sunrise - so it would be a few more hours before she would be here to get us for work.

We were both surprised when the door opened and she walked in the closet to get her work clothes.  Denise immediately began screaming for help.  I knew Brenda was going to run some errands before work so the day was going to be longer.  "Good morning my living footwear!"  She said cheerfully.  Morning people make me sick - even as footwear because their days are longer.  I just didn't expect this since she worked 2nd shift.

She picked us both up and took us to the bathroom where she would start her shower.  I hadn't ever seen Brenda naked but it was surely a sight.  Her 36C's were lovely.  Her butt, whether she liked it or not was perfect.  I didn't think Denise would ever see her best friend naked but it happened.  She got into the shower, cleaned up nice and we heard the water shut off.  Pulling the curtain back revealed a wet Brenda.  She grabbed her towel and dried off.  She then dried her hair and wrapped it the way I had seen Denise wrap her hair.  Next she put on her bra and panties, both pink.  She fussed with her make up a bit, she really didn't need much at all.  Then she dried her hair with a hair dryer.  She followed that up with some hair spray.  She reached down for her blue socks and quickly put them on.  Next her pants and then blouse.  I recognized that uniform since that's the same kind Denise wore.  Then the loafers - I wondered which one she would put on first.  To my surprise she put Denise on first.  Again the fruitless screaming - and again it was silenced by the botom of Brenda's foot.  She picked me up and whispered, "Tomorrow you will be a man again, I decided what I am going to do.  Just make it through today and sleep tonight, I promise you."  She slid me on her foot and she finished getting ready.

Her footsteps didn't bother me much, neither did her feet heating me up.  I knew I had less than 24 hours as a shoe!  I couldn't be any more happier.  In the other shoe things weren't so great.

Denise's point of view.

I had watched my 'friend' shower and get dressed much the same way I used to.  She was prettier than I am and has a cuter ass than I do.  I watched her go through the same motions I do to get ready for work.  I was just surprised that she was getting ready nearly 3 hours early.  I saw her put on her socks; I was never so afraid in my life.  Then she grabbed me what seemed like 5 minutes later and she slid me on her foot - as I had done Pete all them many years ago.  Brenda!!!  I yelled at her one last time before it settled on me.  I tried to push it off of me but I couldn't.  I couldn't move!  I felt her foot land on the tile beneath me and I shrieked out again.  Only then did I realize her foot would never hear me.  Her weight pressed down on me like when I was wearing Pete.  It hurt a whole lot more down here. She took her first step, my back pressed down onto the tile and her foot in my face.  I couldn't breathe but somehow I was getting air.  I could smell the detergent she used on her socks and the lotion on her feet.  She walked into the living room - I could already feel the difference in what she was walking on.  It began to get warm and Brenda had not even left for work yet.

It seemed like forever but my 'friend' finally left for work.  Gosh, this asphalt and concrete hurt!  And it was cold and a bit damp too.  She got in her car and drove to her first errand.  Figures it would be something she had to get out of the car and walk into.  Her foot pounded me and it was weird having my face so hot and my back so cold.  She went into some place, I felt the warm floor under me and the standing.  She must be in line someplace.  She would take a few steps forward then wait, few more steps then wait.  She was heavy but the few times she would rest that one foot by leaning on the other I knew that had to be hurting Pete.  Finally more than a few steps but then more waiting.  Then back out to the car.  I yelled into the bottom of her sock covered foot but nothing.  It continued walking.  She drove someplace else - hard to keep track of time this way but I'm guessing she had another errand to run.  Or maybe lunch - I would love to eat something right now.

Same thing at the next place she went then she went through the drive through for some lunch.  I knew because I heard her place the order.  Cheeseburger, fries and a diet coke.  Then she turned the radio back up.  She drove someplace else after getting her food.  I was so embarrassed when I found out where - after the long walk across the parking lot and into the sliding glass doors she wiped her shoes on the mat.  I screamed out in pain - I remembered doing that to Pete also.  I heard voices, one of them stuck out.  It was our friend Tiffany.  I screamed out, Brenda kept walking and greeting everybody.  She walked down the long marble hallway down to the breakroom to eat.  I didn't think anyone would hear me.

She enjoyed her lunch then went to the restroom to clean up for her shift.  I felt her slip her foot out of me for a bit, felt the cool air hit me and I tried to yell.  She pushed her foot back in and finshed getting ready.  She stood up walked to the sink and washed her hands and proabably made sure her makeup was ok.  Then off to work; I knew it was going to be a long rest of the day.

An explanation of the 'missing' people.

Brenda went on with her day as normal except for her 2 living shoes.  She greeted her guests, took her breaks as normal and acted as if nothing was wrong.  It's strange how "Denise's" life was forgotten.  As if she wasn't even born.  I wonder if that's what happened to me and I wondered if my family or friends would remember me if I was human again.  I didn't really understand what happened to the original object someone was transfered into.  The most logical thing that came to my 'mind' was that the person was absorbed into it.  That's kind of what it looked like since Denise had pulled the shoes out of the bag and the right loafer was visible and I lost sight of it in the beam of light.

I digress - I was in Brenda's left loafer hopefully for the last day.  I felt the heat, pressure and steps but they didn't seem to hurt as bad as years past.  I did appreciate that small break of fresh air - I did hear Denise yelling for help and Brenda must have thought it was too loud and she put her foot back into that loafer to shut her up.  She let me have more fresh air since I didn't yell.  Anyway I will let Denise finish describing her day in the right loafer.

Back to Denises story.

Her sock was getting damp, I tried not to absorb it, but there was nothing I could do.  Tiny droplets sepped out of the sock and into my 'body'.  I felt as though her foot odor I was absorbing too.  Her standing on me was unbearable - even with the cushioned mat we stood on.  I prayed the day would go faster.  I felt her walking some, but not to the break room.  There was an office behind a wall that was located behind the desk.  Sometimes we had to go in there to get more supplies or see the boss about something.  Her steps on the carpet hurt a bit less than on tile or outside but still I wanted out from under this.

I finally felt the steps down the hallway to the breakroom - I knew only about 90 minutes left of her shift when she got back from break.  I did hear her chatting with coworkers.  Tiffany had long since gone home and Larissa I think was going to come in just after midnight or shortly before.  I heard Brenda on the phone in the breakroom - at 10pm there wouldn't be any one there except someone cleaning up.  The conversation was short and hushed so I couldn't hear what all she said.  Then the walking started back up again.  Down the hall to the restroom.  She slipped her foot out of me again - this time I didn't yell out.  She seemed to have noticed and let me get way more air than the last 2 times I shouted out.  I heard the toilet flush, saw the foot settle back down on me and she went to wash her hands and recheck her makeup.

Back at her station she helped a few guests then before I knew it I felt her pick up something and go to the office behind the desk.  I guessed she was counting money, the credit card receipts and making sure they all matched up.  At least she was sitting down.

She wrapped up what she was doing then chit chatted with the night lady - not sure who it was since I could barely hear her voice.  Brenda at last made her way to the car and headed home - or maybe to get something to eat.  Her radio wasn't too loud - the hum of the car was louder than that.  I couldn't tell what was on the radio.  She did turn it further down when she did stop for dinner.  Breakfast sandwiches, interesting choice for dinner.  She finished up there and drove home.  Once there she put her things down and turned on the TV.  She walked to the dining room and ate her dinner there.  I begged her to take me off while she ate, but she didn't hear me.  She walked across the hard tile floor to the trashcan and then back to her recliner.  I felt her weight ease off and I figured she would take me off.

Back to Pete for a bit.

I knew she was home; she was in her recliner.  I was surprised when she took off her left loafer - me.  She removed her wet sock and slipped me back on her soft and warm bare foot.

Back to Denise.

I couldn't believe she took me off her hot, damp foot and removed her sock.  I saw her moving to put me back on - I shrieked, "No!  Brenda!  They stink and it's hot in here."

Brenda laughed and said, "Well Pete seems to like it, and I don't want to be with only 1 shoe on."  She showed me her other shoe and then put me back on.  She ignored my screams and protests.  I could hear the TV behind me - some comedy show.  She may have fallen asleep in the chair but finally she got up and walked to the closet.  She took us both off and took Pete back into the bedroom, I didn't see him again till the morning.  That is another part of the story.

Back to my story.

She took me to the bedroom and pointed the device at me and smiled.  I figured out how to work it...  She restored my voice first.  I then saw the beam of light and I screamed out.  I was afraid I was gonna stay in the shoe.   Then I felt myself being ripped out of the shoe that kept me trapped for just over 5 years.  I then began to grow. taller and taller.  I saw Brenda getting smaller and soon I stood 4 inches taller than she did.  I forgot how to stand on my own 2 feet and promptly fell down on the bed.  I spoke the first word in 5 years, "Brenda!"  She grabbed me and hugged me and said it was going to be alright.

She quickly added, "I know what I'm going to do with Danny.  He's going into that shoe that you just came out of.  Tomorrow he's coming over and I'm going to trap him in there."

I was thankful to be free of the loafer and breath like normal.  She hugged me and said, "You are kind of cute."

I asked if I could kiss her as a thank you for getting me out of there and she surprised me by french kissing me.  I kissed her back, even caressed her and wanted to do more but I was afraid I had forgot how.  She said we can do more later, I need to get the other shoe back in the closet so Denise doesn't get lonely.  I asked if I could see her.  Brenda said not tonight, she may warn Danny of what's going on.  I quickly reminded her she could turn off Denise's voice - I meant since she's going to be in there a while.  She hugged me and said yes, great idea...  you can watch that if you want.  I was happy to watch.  We both went to the closet and she dropped the left loafer on the ground.  Denise was shocked, "Pete you got out!  Can you get me out of here?"

I shook my head and said it's not my call now.  I gently picked up the right loafer and brought it to my face.  I don't know what made me do it but I put my face into the opening and gave her a kiss.  I could smell Brenda's feet in it.  I whispered, "Goodbye Denise, I love you in spite of what you did to me but I have to move on.  I was going to ask Brenda to be my girlfriend and since she's here, I think she can answer for herself.

I glanced at Brenda, she smiled and said "Yes, I will be your girlfriend."  We hugged, I had my arms around her and the loafer brushed up against Brenda's back.  I let go and gave Brenda the shoe.  She played with the device and found the setting.  Denise begged us, "Don't do this, please!  I'm sorry, I can't be her shoe!"  The device started humming like it did when my voice was turned off.  She quickly said, "Brenda!  Peteeeee!  Don't let her do...  this!"  She quit talking all together and we set the shoes on the floor and turned off the lights and went to bed.

We got up the next morning and I had to hid someplace.  I couldn't be there when Danny showed up.  I smiled impishly at my new girlfriend and asked her to turn me into a pair of pink satin panties.  She giggled and found a pair in her drawer that were cotton.  She made a mental image of them and the panties and I were hit with the bright light.  I shrunk again and found myself turned into a thin layer of silk that seemed to merge with the original cotton panties.  She turned off my voice, I knew it had to be this way and she went on with her day.

It sure was different being under a woman's ass after being under a foot for all them years.  She had showered after she transformed me and put me on.  She whispered to me that she was expecting Danny in a few hours and had to get things ready.  She put on a pair of pants over the top of me and I was now sealed in with Brenda's lovely ass.  It began to get warm as it did in her shoe but the smell was entirely different.  I felt her move around then felt her sit down for the first time.  It was at the dining room table - I knew it was since what I was on was hard like wood.  She finished her breakfast and got things in order.  I guess she had gone to the closet to get Denise and the left loafer ready.  I couldn't hear a whole lot when she was sitting but I could hear when she stood up..

I felt her walking to the front door and I heard it open followed by a man's voice.  It must be Danny.  She led him to the living room and they sat down.  I heard a bit of yelling but only after she stood up did I hear the question that was going to seal Danny's fate.  "Are you having an affair?"

He quickly denied it and she had enough of the lies.  She showed him some envelope that she had next to her recliner.  He knew he was busted and tried to ask for forgiveness.  She drew the device, pointed it at him and pushed the button.  I could only imagine what was happening.  I knew only because I had been subjected to it two times.  Once against my will the other I was willing.  I felt her walk to where he had been and she bent over to pick up both of her human shoes.  One was screaming for her to get him out of there and the other was silent.  She must have turned off his voice too since the last thing I heard was, "Honey, I'm sorry, I don't want..."

I felt her go back to the closet, dropped the shoes in and we were on our way someplace.  I gathered later on it was an attorney's office.  She met with a female lawyer and they had divorce papers drawn up.  She got her copy then we went back to Brenda's house.  I stayed as Brenda's panties for the rest of the day.  At about midnight she enabled my voice and asked if I wanted to be human again or if I wanted to sleep with her as her panties.  She said she couldn't do anything as far as sex until he got the papers and signed them.  That would be taken care of in a few days and she had a special plan for that.  I said just leave me here, the temptation to want to do something would be too great, just change me into something else tomorrow.  She giggled and went to sleep.

I couldn't believe this, I could be anything I wanted.  While she slept I was imagining all the things i could be.  Hose, house shoes, belts, bra's, blouses, skirts, heck maybe even her work pants!  I was so thrilled.  I was brought out of my dreams by a foul odor.  I realized too late that she had passed gas in her sleep.  I tried to squirm to get her attention but it was no use.  She slept on and finally I heard the alarm go off.  It must be about 10am.  She groggily walked to the bathroom and pulled me down.  She quickly remembered where I was then took me off completely and smelled me.  She grimmaced and said, "Oh my god, you smell real bad.  I wonder if you can be washed or if the smell will carry over when we change you back."  Well only one way to find out.

She quickly finished her business and went to the bedroom almost naked.  She unmuted me and changed me back.  I smelled my arm, I didn't smell anything.  It's almost as if the smell stayed with the now cotton panties.  I was afraid to tell her what she did to me last night so I didn't say anything.  I told her I wanted to be her bra today.  She and I went through her bras and I saw one I wanted to be and she changed me into it.  I held her lovely breasts all day.  I forgot about the living shoes - sucks for them today she had to go back to work and they were down there getting pounded all day.

The day went by quickly now that I wasn't a shoe.  Her breasts smelled great, then she started sweating and the salt water got absorbed by my fabric.  She got home, changed into more comfortable clothes and put a nightshirt over me.  She told me she felt weird about sitting in her recliner with just a bra and panties on.  I giggled at her and was ok with it.  She told me tomorrow she would go to her soon to be ex's house to get his copy of the papers, and make him sign them.  I wondered how he was gonna do it as her shoe but I guess I would have to wait till tomorrow to see.

I thought the most logical choice for me today would be her belt.  I could see everything that was going on and if I had my voice turned off I would be a silent observer.  She agreed with my reasoning and found a black belt that I suddenly became.  It was weird being wrapped around her waist but it felt better than being her bra.  I could see what was going on.

She made it to his house - went in with a key she somehow ended up with and got to his bedroom.  She found the papers there and got them ready for him to sign.  She removed her left loafer and and set it on the dresser.  She shrank the papers and a pen and left them there.  she then took the loafer and set it next to the papers and extracted Danny from the shoe.  She yelled at him to sign the papers or she would make his life a living hell.  Realizing he didn't have much of a choice, he read over them and signed.  She put him back in the loafer, but this time put his head under the ball of her foot instead of the heel and his genitals ended up under her heel.  She wanted him to feel every stomp and this was going to be the way he would live for the next 5 years.

She made the papers normal sized and put the papers back into an envelop and put them in the mailbox on the way out.  The divorce would be final in about a month when they got the papers back and the court date set.  When we got home, she explained to me that nobody could see me until it was final, so I would be hopping from object to object or maybe spend a day 2 inches tall.  One night she even turned me into a toy for her to play with.  She said she was really horny and wanted me to please her.  So we did that and she put me in her nightstand drawer when she was done and had cleaned me up.  Another day she turned me into an earring, and yet another day a chair cushion for her computer chair at home.  She did that on her day off and sat on me alot that day.  She never took her blue sleepshirt off she even slept in it again that night while I stayed on her chair until the next morning.

She over slept next morning and she hurriedly got ready.  She rushed out the door and didn't even acknoledge me.  It was a long boring day while she was at work, I was on her computer chair at home.  Well at least I wasn't Denise & Danny.   I meant to ask Brenda how the 2 shoes were doing but I was so wrapped up in what she could change me into.  I noticed the sun going down and it got dark in Brenda's house.  I lay there waiting for her to return.  It sure was a long evening then finally I heard a car in the driveway.

I was hoping it was her when the door opened and she walked in.  She put her things down and sat on me long enough to turn on the computer and she quickly got up and went to the kitchen.  I tried to get her attention but forgot she had me muted.  I guess she would remember when she came back.  She did come back a bit later and pointed the device at me and unmuted me.  I thanked her and she said she was sorry.  I asked how the shoes were.  She giggled and said they were great.  I asked how many more days till court.  She told me 10.  I couldn't believe 20 had already gone by.

She sat on me so she could check her email.  Then she took me and placed me on her recliner and sat down to watch TV.  As far as I could tell she had her shoes on still.  I couldn't tell what she was watching but I felt myself getting warm under her soft bottom.  She got up, picked me up and she asked, "Do you want to be with Denise one more time before I change you back to human?"

I asked in bewilderment, "How would that be possible?  After what she's done..."

She quickly interrupted, "No, not in that way."   She took me to the bedroom and opened up a drawer.  I saw a few blue socks in there and I said, "Hmmm, interesting idea!"

"Sure!"  I quickly replied.  "That's a good idea!  Maybe our faces will touch!  I then realized I sounded a bit too enthusiastic and quickly hoped Brenda would understand.  I would be on top of Denises face and under the bottom of Brenda's foot.  I am guessing she did since I am now her socks.

I couldn't sleep knowing I would be worn to work tomorrow in the same shoe that was Denise.  Hours went by - I thought it would never be morning.  The alarm startled me and woke her up as well.  She quickly got busy readying herself for the day.  I felt the drawer open and she took me out.  I saw her smiling face - and the fact she was partially dressed.  So are you ready?  I'm getting dressed early so you can spend more time with her and you both will have voice enabled.

I was happy.  I would then be able to tell Denise she was stuck as her ex friends work shoe.  The one I was imprisoned in for 5 years.  I realized my face was going to be under Brenda's toes.  The rest of my body would then be the rest of the sock, the middle of me under her heel and my legs making up the top part of the sock.

She slid me on her foot - like she did any of her socks on any day that she went to work.  She put the other sock on and then reached for the loafers.  I heard Denise screaming as usual.  That didn't stop Brenda from putting her on her left foot.  As I rushed past Denises face I yelled, "Have a great day!  I know I will!"

Denises screams were cut off as Brenda's foot settled into the shoe and she took her first  steps of the day.   I didn't immediately feel it get warm like I did most days but eventually I did.  She had already left the house and was driving to work.  I heard Denise scream my name - a bit muffled as we were on the way to work.  I chuckled and hoped she didn't hear me.  I didn't feel much on the ride, I'm sure she stopped to get an early lunch or late breakfast.  Maybe she went to run errands but I did notice now it was hot and I was a bit damp.  I did notice the walking.  I was glad I was inside the shoe instead of having my back hit the ground.

I figured we were at the hotel by now.  It's almost impossible to hear as the sock.  As the loafer  I could hear some because of where my ears were placed.  It stayed hot, I got more damp and I felt Brenda standing for long periods of time.  I felt Brenda scrunch her toes; something I never felt being the loafer.

Brenda went on her first break.  She went to the break room, sat down and played with Denise and myself.  This was the only indication I had what time of day it was.  She went to the restroom, got into the stall and sat down.  She slid the left loafter off her foot and the screaming started.

I said, "Shush, if you quit screaming she will give you a longer break.  As usual she didn't listen  to me and of course Brenda put her shoe back on and gave it a good stomp.  I cursed Denise for not shutting up and wondered if she heard me.  The day continued.  What little time I spent out of the shoe cooled my 'body' down some but now it was getting reheated.

Again it was the standing, my face being pressed into the bottom of Brenda's warm, soft foot.  It was so dark I again wondered what time of day it was.  I felt some walking, more standing then more walking.  Again she made her way to the break room.  She ate her lunch and made a trip to the restroom.  I know I was hoping for a break.  Again she repeated the same routine she had earlier in the day; again Denise yelled and screamed.  We did get a few seconds of a break but then I whizzed back into the loafer and took another stomp from Brenda.  That's twice she got us stomped.  I wished Brenda had turned off her voice.

And so our day continued.  More standing, some walking.  More standing, some stomping.  Again breaktime came and went.  She couldn't stop screaming so we didn't get alot of time off Brenda's foot.  At least I knew most of the day was over.  We would go home in a couple of hours and then maybe I will get turned into something else again.  I was damp with Brenda's footsweat, I was hot.  I know Denise was hot - I was inprisoned in the very loafer she was in.  I knew the day was about over when I felt her pick up the money tray and take it to the back office.  I could tell by the slight increase in weight.  She sat down to count it and make sure her paperwork was done for the night.  I was very damp, I could feel moisture seeping onto Denise also.

For a split second I felt sorry for her.  I then remembered I was a shoe for 5 years.  I suffered under her feet all day and spent long agonizing hours alone in her closet.  Now in just over 8 days she would spend the rest of her life in Brenda's closet.  My thoughts were interrupted by Brenda standing up and walking someplace.  I knew we would be going home soon I just didn't know when.

The walking continued, I knew where we were when Brneda slid her foot out of Denise.  Again Denise was screaming to get out and that got Brenda's foot back in there.  I wished Brenda had shut her up but I figured that would be the day of court.  I don't think Brenda would take the chance of having talking footwear in court.  I felt more walking and the pressure eased up a bit.  She must have sat down again.  Maybe she's heading home.  I could feel the vibration throug the loafer that felt like a car starting up.  We were heading home - I was afraid that she would stop and get herself something to eat like she sometimes did.  Brenda had to eat and I was in no position to tell her what to do.

I saw light and heard a TV somewhere in the distance.  I heard Brenda laugh and I could see the loafer below.  I felt the cool air hit me and the sweat started to dry.  I heard the tiny screaming from the right loafer.  I was pulled off Brenda's foot and she dropped me ontop of the loafer that was Denise.  She laughed and said we could have a few hours to talk and then she would restore me.

We talked, her mostly begging to get out of the loafer.  I knew it wasn't going to change anything.  She apologized for leaving me in there so long.  I told her she would be in there the same amount of time.  I told her what I went through and she wasn't happy about it.  Brenda came in grabbed me and took me to the bed.  She pointed the remote and extracted me from the sock.  We hugged now that I was human again.  We then went to the closet and turned Denise's voice off.  She would remain that way for the next 5 years.  Sadly she had only been in the loafer for 24 days.  There was going to be alot of days like today.

We continued on with our lives as if nothing happened.  I would hug my fiance when she got home from work.  Yes, we got engaged shortly after.  I worked when I could and when I wasn't working I took care of the house.  I really didn't pay much attention to the right loafer.  I knew it wasn't liking it much.  It would be a long 5 years.