
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Update on me.

Reality once again rears it's ugly head - I can't seem to get any good luck to come my way.

For those that remember I moved to TN to be with friends as their third roommate.  That has worked out fairly well.  What I didn't know was that one of the roommates, my good friend Miss Joy had got sick like the 3rd week I got here.  I took care of her as best as I could.  I promised that before I got here.  She then went to the hospital and hasn't been back home since.

I found out today - my other roommate told me.  Miss Joy only has 4 to 6 months to live.  Mind you men aren't supposed to cry but I have been in tears most of today (found out at noon today).  We have known each other since early 2007, maybe late 2006.  We know about each other and she even knew about my 'thing' for women's feet.  A few days before she left, we had another chat and she remembered this.  I asked if I could...  she said yes.  And that was the first and last time I will ever be able to worship her feet.  So please bear with me, I may not update as much as I should but I will keep you all posted when I am able.  Thanks for listening.
Her humble object (wish I could be for Joy), master369.


  1. Thanks! I was debating on making a 'tribute' to her. She I think knew a bit about this aspect of me but I don't know. It has been tough getting motivated to work on pictures but I hope soon I will put something up.
