
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Clearing my head.

Sorry for not putting up new material.  As you all know Miss Joy passed away last September.  I was put in charge of getting rid of her things how I saw fit.  As I went through her things I found alot of things that her niece in Georgia would have wanted that belonged to both Joy or her parents.  I had to make the money to get there and back and pay for 2 nights hotel and maybe some food.  I was able to make $360 after my expenses and we were able to take everything down there this past Tuesday.  So that part is done.  I still have more things to sell so what is left over I can split with my other roommate.

Now my main purpose for coming here is over:  I remember Joy telling me that I would be the one that would go through her things.  Not sure how she knew but that is what happened.  My home is in Texas, my family isn't very close to me except my mother and maybe brother and his kids.  So I took the week off to clear my head.  Not even drinking like I normally do.

Thank you to everyone that has left positive comments about the blog, my life or anything.  Haven't received anything negative - but those are appreciated so I can make this a better blog.  I am not sure where my life is going to take me but I hope I can get it figured out soon.  :)
Her humble object, master369

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